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Hey I'm a Newbie!


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Hello All


Isn't the internet a wonderful place! You get to meet loads of lovely people :)


I'm Liz and I live in Ashford, Kent. I used to look after my bessie mate's grey, Josh, when she went on her hols until I moved down here.


Three weeks ago we bought a 6 year old CAG (gender unknown)called Charlie. The lady and her two daughters we got him from said he doesn't have a people preference, but since we have bought him home he has bonded with my hubby and every other male that walks in the room, and HATES us girls :lol:


However, after we got Charlie a friend of a friend approached me and said she wish she had known because they have a grey that they need to re-home because it is making her asthma bad and the doctor has told her she should not have him in the house. So, can you guess what I'm going to say next?... Of course you can! Yes, we have a new CAG arriving this weekend, and his name is? Charlie!!!


So, lovely people, my immediate questions are about introducing Charlie and Charlie to each other - what should I do? Will they still mimic and talk?


Any tips or pointers most gratefully appreciated ;)


Liz x

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Hello Liz and welcome to the family, so glad you have joined us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Charlie and Charlie.


What a hoot, now you have two greys named Charlie, will you rename one of them or keep calling them both Charlie?


You will find some threads in the Rescue room that will be of help in the transition of bringing another grey into the household. They will continue to mimic and talk but might cease for a while until the new one gets settled in. They may even become friends but don't force anything, just let them decide whether they will or not or what kind of relationship they will have with one another.


Please read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do not hesitate to ask any and all questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


If you have pictures of Charlie #1 you would like to share with us we would love to see him and pics of Charlie #2 when you get him.

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Hey, a very cute and wonderful predicament. How old are these greys? Charlie I is 6 but how old is Charlie II? I predict that you will find that one should be called Charlize. What a wonderful thing you have done to re-home two beautiful CAGs. Karma to you!! When you get a chance, pictures please, we luv pictures.

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Hi Liz,


How lovely of you to join us here! What a lovely introduction of you and your lovely flock.


First of all, what can I say about Charlie and Charlie?

This is going to be so much fun:laugh: And believe it or not I also have a Charlie!


I have included a link at the top of this post I found useful when I brought my second grey home, read through and it will give you some guidelines and also explain what to expect.


I have three greys now but going back to bringing my second home all I can say is dont rush things and take your time! Things wont fall into place easily it will take time and patience but can be done.

You dont know if both greys will get on with each other you have always to consider this but hopefully they will or will at least tolerate each other.


I hope things will work out for you and your greys and we will all be here to support you on the forum. However many questions you have, post away we are here to help.


Dont worry about the talking side of things, mine all talk to each other and the eldest two will shout each other by name which isnt going to be difficult for your two as they share the same name.


I cant wait to hear more about them both and maybe see some pictures.



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Hello Liz, welcome to the forum. Sounds like you have quite the household with one Charlie and soon to be another one. It should be very interesting around there I'd imagine! The Charlies may or may not like each other, you just never know with birds. I hope you find that they both get along together like long-lost friends. Good luck!

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Thanks for all your messages everyone!


Well I've tried to upload a pic of Charlie 1 to my profile page and it's too big apparently, but I think I can post one here....




As you can see he likes being out of his cage. The previous owner hadn't bothered for ages as she said it was 'too much hassle to get him back in'........ we let him out for several hours every day and either my hubby (whom he lets handle him) puts him back, or he goes back of his own accord when he's tired/fed up/hungry!


Charlie 2 is also 6 years old - they were born a month apart! My daughter has named them Charlie Chazzels (Charlie 1) and Charlie Chaswick (Charlie 2), so we are going to use a mixture of just Charie, the new name, and Charlie followed by the new name. That way we are hoping that they will retain their identity (as they both answer to Charlie), but also have a name to differentiate themselves from each other. Well that's the theory anyway......:S


What a right bunch of Charlies!!

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It's Saturday and Charlie Chazwick (apparently I spelt it wrong before, naughty Mother!) has arrived!!!! :cheer:


We have put their cages on each corner of the dining room so that they can see each other. Chazwick is a little wary, and hiding behind the big toy in his cage, but he has been fine with me when I have put my hands in the cage to reassemble toys etc, and the 2 Charlies have been making a few noises at each other so it's all good so far.


Here's a picture of the handsome chap.....




I'm a happy girlie today :)

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Congratulations on the arrival of Chazwick!!


I see he is already showing off a few aerial moves for you as he checks out his new home. It's good to hear the two are communicating a little across the room. :-)


Looking forward to hearing more as time a familiarity progress as he settles in.

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