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Clipping wings


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I'm sure this is posted here elswhere,it's just I'm new here and still trying to learn to navigate. Talon had her wings clipped in Feb. She now can fly all over the house if she wants, which isnb't too often, maybe 2 times a day. If I get her clipped now, how will she take it? She loves to fly and then when you put your hand up, she'll land on it. That's kind of fun to do. Any advice??:huh:

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Guest Monique

This is a very personal decision. Many people vehemently believe wings should not be clipped - that it would be the equivalent of chopping of a human's legs! Many believe it is a disaster waiting to happen if you do not clip their wings. Our birds all have their wings. There are harnesses you can use called Aviator Harnesses to take your birds safely outside. You can also google free flighted birds and you will find some interesting articles.

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Thanks, I kind of agree. Talon seems to love to fly if she wants to go from one play perch in one room to another. She doesn't seem to fly unless necessary, but I like that she has the freedom to do so. I only take her outside in an adventure pack. I'll put a picture up below of my daughter and Talon on her first trip in her adventure pak.

We have all the harness made out there, and she wants no part of them!!:angry:


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I'd go along with what Monique says, but just add a wee bit from personal experience. When I had birds before, they weren't clipped - because they I'd had them both from when they could first fly I was able to train them to be 'sensible' with their flying (although my CAG used to get a bit too high and bounce off the ceilings!). I didn't intend to get Casper clipped when I got him, but he was so aggressive, particularly when I had male friends to visit - he'd fly onto their heads and try to peck them. I've also got very high ceilings in my flat, and he'd fly out of reach and refuse to come down. So I had him clipped in order to stop him chewing through light cables, and to protect my friends! Since then I've been working hard with him, to get him to trust me and my friends, and to stay in places where he's safe. As his flight feathers are beginnning to grow back in, I'm hoping that I'll be able to leave him unclipped. I think it's not just a personal choice in terms of your views, but also of your circumstances.



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Thaks, it's nice to hear that so far most feel it's ok not to clip their wings as long as it's safe. Elsewhere I've been told they should stay clipped. I appreciate the quick replies. Thanks so much!! I've really been uncomfortable with feeling like I have to clip them, when I know Talon prefers to fly if needed. So far she hasn't abused the freedom.

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I, also, have found many articles both for and against clipping on the net. Like Caspersmum, my own position is to try and avoid clipping unless unacceptable behaviours or circumstances warrant the practise. I will not be clipping Zoe when her new flight feathers come in and I'm just as eager to see her fly as I am to see her talk (if she does).

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Does anyones grey that doesn't have their wings clipped, fly around and then just hover??


Talon does that alot when she's waiting for you to put your hand out so she can land on it. It's so Cool!

:woohoo: :woohoo:

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Actually it was recommended to my by Spookyhurst. She has one and takes Nikko lots of places. Talon gets very excited when she sees it, because she knows she's going outside or in the car! :woohoo:

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Guest briansmum

i'm considering wing clipping, at 3 months brian has never actually flown, although he's getting good at flapping which means it could probably happen any day. i'm a bit wary given that he doesn't yet know his name or come when called and that the room in our new house isn't that big and having only just moved there's stuff everywhere. i'm scared letting him have free flight now could result in something bad. im thinking that if i have him clipped now, by the time his flight feathers have grown back we will have bonded and the house will be sorted and so we can tackle safe flying together then. does this sound like a sensible idea?

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Hey Beccy. From what I've read, you shouldn't get a bird's wings clipped until they're fully flighted - if you do, you risk them being forever clumsy, and getting themselves hurt as a result, as they never learn proper coordination (the same thing happens in human children). If he's tame (even if he's not yet learnt his name), you just need to keep a really close eye on him once he's flighted and out of his cage. If he's anything like casper was, he won't fly that much anyway - just afew times a day. I'm not saying this to scare you, or because I'm anti-clipping - Casper has his wings clipped.



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That's good advice from Caspersmum. Unfortunately, when we got Talon at 9 weeks, she had come to us with her wings clipped. We kept them clipped as we didn't know what would be best for her. She is now 19 months and is able to fly if she wants to. She might fly 2-3 times a day if that, and only to come see where we are.


In the beginning, she would try to fly, she would just fly down, she wasn't able to stay up. We were lucky, as she was careful not to get hurt. I prefer her not to be clipped now because if she lands on the floor, i'm afraid one of our 2 cats would attack her. In fact I know they would if I wasn't in the same room.

I think it's a matter of preference and what works best for you & your situation. I would worry when they are young about getting hurt.

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Guest briansmum

thankyou both very much for your advice, i do want him to fly i'm just terrified he'll hurt himself. he's a clumsy little guy anyway.. well i should say.. he's not very graceful, he frequently slips off perches and falls halfway down his cage when climbing, coupled with the fact he doesn't seem to be bothered by this i'm very scared for his safety when he flies. i'm having his "well bird" check up on wednesday so i will speak to his vet, but from the sounds of it it's probably better off in the long run and healthier for brian to leave him unclipped. i'm torn..:S

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Guest briansmum

thanks hunny, i guess it's down to each individual bird and their owner at the end of the day

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Hi everyone, it's been a while... Squeaky is about ready for his wings to be clipped. I just have a few questions...can you ever use your celing fan while your bird's flighted? Also, what about them flying away, is there a risk of them just flying out the door when it's open? I have small children who like to leave the doors open, which is why I ask.



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