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Hello i just recently got a 7 year old cag named budy.

he doesnt seem mean and doesnt go out of his way to bite.i sat down on the floor and got him to come to me from his cage he walked down to me once but hasnt done it again ? wats a good way to get him to wanna come onto me or step up?i now have had him for one week wat kind of attitude should i expect at this age plaese help me out im a rookie with cag"s


Thanks Mike

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Give the poor chap a chance! He has had just a week to come to terms with his new situation and you. Just treat him with love and respect and I am sure he will soon accept you as his friend. Greys tend to bond strongly with their partners and friends and they have long memories so he may be still wondering about those he used to live with. You can encourage him by offering treats but generally he will want to be with you for companionship rather than bribes.

I am sure you know that greys are wonderful and highly intelligent companion animals and he will soon feel at home with you.


Steve n Misty

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Mistyparrot gives good advice.


At 7 years old, he has fully matured, has his likes and dislikes and is now in a new home, flock he is not familiar with and surrounded by new furnishings.


Believe it or not, him climbing out of his cage and crossing the floor to check you out is a HUGE step for him. It mean he had come to the conclusion that the surroundings out of the cage were safe for a quick jaunt to test the waters. He also found that your were ok, didnt try to molest him in any manner and behaved yourself in respecting his "Space" and his bubble of safety.


Keep encouraging that behavior, have a treat that he likes like a peanut, sunflower seed, grape, apple piece etc. and offer it to him to come and get it. This will build the trust further.


Do you know much of his background, how he was treated, whom he lived with and why he was given up? The background information will give you tons of good information to help you work out this new relationship for the two of you and understand what some of his baggage may be.


Post often, ask tons of questions and keep us informed. We care immensely about these wonderful sentient beings and their owners. :-)

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Thank you very much and i am taking it very slowly reading alot and respecting his space. he loves to take friut from me and i relize thats a big deal and im very happy with him already! the man i baught him from was scared of him and was given to him from a friend who couldnt take him to canada so now hes mine and looking forward to learning all about my new member of the family!:cheer:

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Hi. You have already been given the best advise to take it slow. Poor little bird has now had 3 homes. He must b e feeling very confused.Take each day as it comes with him and keep us all informed of your progress and ask ask ask. I hope your new buddy has found a home he can settle in for many many years, if not forever.Good luck and best wishes.

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Hi Mike,


I too have a recent addition to my family in the form of CAG named Ice and he is 4 years. We are his 3rd and final owners :)


Ice would give quite nasty bites so quite the opposite of Budy. But by just giving him his space and with time he is now madly in love with me! When he wants to come out of his cage he will put his leg out (wanting to step up) and then I would put him on his playstand so he can chill.


If he wants to be with me he flies over to the sofa for some head scratches. Just give him the space to do what he wants and he will start to form a bond to you in time.


You need to remember that he has just gone through a major change in his life and he will need to adjust (I feel this is more difficult with older birds). All you need to do his respect and love him and im sure you will become fast friends


Keep us updated on his progress!<br><br>Post edited by: nims, at: 2008/11/20 14:37

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Hey Mike, congratulations on your new fid. Sounds like you care an awful lot about Buddy and because of that he is beginning to trust you. I would find a comfortable place where Buddy can see you and maybe read out loud or play with one of his toys or talk and call out to him. See if he gets curious and comes to join you. Good luck but I know Buddy will come around because he can feel your caring. Karma to you for providing a loving for Buddy.

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