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Rexxy & my husband today


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I took my daughter out today to go get the Wall-e movie. She has been waiting for it to come out. So we were not home before my husband. So he got some Rexxy adventure for the first time.


First-He was picking up and was walking back forth through the house. He put Rexxy on his tree and told him to stay. He went to the bedroom and Sadie followed. Then he left but Sadie stayed behind. So he went back and then all of sudden Sadie jumped in front of him and jumped up on him and then bowed to the floor. Then he finally looked down and there was Rexxy....looking for me in the bathroom.


Second- Rexxy was on the top of the couch waiting for dinner and doing little barks and such. Then he went to my spot and according to my husband Rexxy said "Amber ... where are you. He about died. Now my name is Mom or Dawn but Amber is my daughters name. So it is funny he would want Amber.


I only get to hear "good boy" and "yep" from Rex. But it amazes me how greys interact different with each person. I feel good that he wonders were we went. B)

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Hi Dawn :)


My grey, Biggles, also interacts different with myself, my husband and son.

With me, he still acts like a baby and does the lil grunt noises when he sees me, which I find adorable :)

With my husband, he makes a noise like a gun when he sees him, probably because my husband sits and plays Call of Duty, a war game, on the playstation. Biggles has obviously learnt that my husband enjoys the game and gets excited when he plays it lol. :laugh:

I have banned my husband from playing any games with zombies in it though as I read somewhere that someone had a grey that made zombie groans at night time and it would terrify me to hear that at night! :lol:


Biggles interaction with my son is limited to clucking at him every time he walks past... they have an agreement... leave me alone and i'll leave you alone lol. He does however shout for him occasionally but thats because he hears me shouting to him.


It amazes me just how clever these gorgeous birds are. :)

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Cute stories! I wish i had some to share as well... Lyric just whistles and clicks and makes the microwave beep sound... And ACKKKs when he wants out of the cage or to annoy my boyfriend. Oh, and he does give me sweet little kisses when he knows I really need one.

They really are intelligent and it is amazing what some of them do!

Pixiexoxo I like your signature banner, very nice!<br><br>Post edited by: Lyric, at: 2008/11/19 17:44

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What a wonderful morning story that brings a smile and and awwww what an impressive display of loving animal behaviour in protecting one of it's family members from being stepped on. :-)


All these sentient beings we call pets and companions, truly understand and feel more than most of humanity gives them credit for.

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