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A little worried


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I notice after Tyco took her morning nap that her flight feathers where drooping. I've heard this can be a sign of illness I din't last long and within a few mimutes she was back to playing and attacking her toy and telling them no don't do that. do you think she may be hiding some kind of ilness she eating ok and she playing and chatting up a storm does anyone elses Grey droop their flights when they first wake up or do you think I should take her to the vet. Or at least give my Vet a call and see if she thinks I should bring her in. Tyco is also starting to learn to fly finally and she will fly across the room 2 or 3 times a day do you think her wings might just be tired so she's relaxing them a bit.

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Charlie often drops his left wing. I Know that is due to an accident earlier in the year when he almost broke his wing . He can fly fine and does not seem in any discomfort. He just does it every so often. I am not sure if by drooping his flights you mean he is lowering his wings.This can be a sign of calcium deficiancy but as I know Tico is on a good diet I find this unlikely.Keep an eye on him and if you notice any other change have him checked out.

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I jam Rigel full of Harrison's pellets, eggshells, broccoli, and turnip greens. I take him out in the sun at least once a week for 30 minutes, yet his recent bloodwork still showed that he was hypocalcemic. So, now I have a new UV lamp on the way.


He wasn't showing any signs of illness and I really didn't want to give away my money, but I did what I'm obligated to do and took him in for his yearly exam. If it wasn't for that, I'd never have known that his calcium levels were low.


If Tyco hasn't had her yearly exam, this might be a good excuse to do so. At minimum, a quick call to the vet for their opinion or reassurance never hurts.

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I guess she could be she loves broccoli and goes nuts over leafy veggies like romaine lettace and beet greens she gets eggs with the shells twice a week and little bits of cheese through out the week for a treat I also cook sweet potatos mixed with turnip and carrots and she eats fairly well I even scrape cuddle bone on he pellets and seeds. But your right she still could be defecient in something. I think I'l see if it happens again and if it does I'll tae her to the vet. Shes due soon anyway so a little early won't hurt. Thank - you everyone for your replys I think I'll at least phone the vet in the morning and see what she advises.<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2008/11/19 05:26

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Keep us posted Pat once you get a hold of the vet and get some feedback.


Kaedyn - Now thats interesting, based on the sufficient quantities of D3 and calcium contained in the Harrison's and other food groups your giving him that also have high levels of calcium. The lighting definitely help in the production of D3 and Calcium absorption. If that does not correct the deficiency, I'm sure your vet will have other tests to run and suggestions on perhaps supplementing your Greys diet.


Please keep us posted on the progress of of correcting this. It will be very beneficial to all here. :-)

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I'm thinking that may be the case with Tyco also. Even though she gets tons of Calcium she may not be getting enough d3 to help her absorb the calcium I only have 1 full spectrum light in the room my birds are in and I thinking it may not be giving off enough for the size of the room they are in Tyco does cage is right in front of a window but its shaded by a big bush even thoughh all the leaves have fallen off the bush for the winter she still may not be getting enough. I have to go to work today. but I'm off tomorrow so i'm going to take her into the vet. I don't understand how 1 bird could be calcium deficient and all my other birds be fine. Do Greys require more or motabulize differently than Amazons. Fergie is the picture of health her feather's shine like the sun on the lake. Tyco to looks Health except for her flight drop somtimes not all the time Tyco is also starting to Molt do you think that might have something to do with it? Do they require extra Calcium to make new feathers? I have noticed she has been eating allot more of the calciun rich vegetables latley.

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Is the window Tyco is near closed? If so, the UV spectrum is blocked by the glass. Also, the distance from the light to your bird is critical. UV generating lamps are very weak and require being within no more than a foot or two from your bird. You don't want it much closer either. Just make sure they have plenty of space out of the light too.


I don't think that greys necessarily require more calcium than other birds, but they are more sensitive to calcium deficiencies. Hence, if your amazon we're low on calcium, it may not have as much of an impact on his health.


One thing I forgot to mention is that those UV bulbs also have a very short lifespan. They continue to emit light, but their UV output drops off sharply. It's best to replace them every 6 months. You can extend their life by putting them on a timer and only running them for a few hours a day.<br><br>Post edited by: Kaedyn, at: 2008/11/20 04:06

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I have an appointment at the vet for 4:00 pm for Tyco. My regular vet is all booked up and I've never seen this Doctor before so I have no Idea what he's like. He is a certified Avian vet though so I'm sure he will be ok. If I was taking fergie instead of Tyco there is no way I'd be able to take her this is a man Vet and Fergie hates all men. she was abused by one very badley so I have to have a Woman vet for her. With Tyco it doesn't matter I was told when I got Tyco that she was a mans bird. Well I'm not a man and she chose me so who's to say. Tyco I'm sure won't care one way or the other if she see a man or a woman so I hope he good Tyco still isn't the friendliest bird in the world so he better know his stuff or she may bite him.:evil: :laugh:

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The Doctor said that he hasn't seen a African grey that was as big as Tyco ever she weighed in at 579 gr she usually weighs anywhere fron 575gr to 583 gr he said she is vey healthy and a good weight for her size she has lots of musule on both sides of her keel She was so good I'm so proud of her she stepped up no problem for the vet. he said that because she is learning to fly that he thinks she may have hurt herself and probubly is bruised and thats why her wings are drooping. That never even crossed my mind but since she wasn't permited to fledge as a baby and she's just starting to fly so thats very likely. I'm glad I took her anyway I was so worried and would have kept worrying he said that once they drop their wings like that it usually take about a week for them to lift them up again he said just to watch he and if they don't come back up to bring her back in But he said for now he didn't see anyhing that indicated any kind if sickness at all. He said that she is a very beautiful grey and He wish all his paitient looked so healthy which made me feel so good. I'm so proud of her what a wonderful girl she has become.:woohoo: :laugh: Here's my beautiful Girl isn't she just gorgous:laugh:


HPIM1032.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2008/11/21 04:40

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That's great news! At least now we have one more possibility to consider when they droop their wings. And, as you said, you've saved yourself many days of worrying.


I know this is a very controversial topic, but more and more I'm convinced that I don't want to clip my fids wings. At least I would have asked the breeder not to. Sierra's clip wasn't bad at all and she learned very early how to fly. Rigel wasn't so fortunate and he's suffered a few minor bumps and scrapes due to his lack of skill.


P.S. Thanks for the pictures too, Tyco is a beautiful bird!

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Now if I coulld just get her to talk to me again everything would be great. She's so mad at me for taking her to the vet she hasn't talk to me since I brought her home. My daughter came in to say hello to her yesterday and Tyco walked right up to her and gave her kisses and everything then I walked over and she turned her back and walked to the back of her play top. Its kind of funny how mad they get over thing. Anyway I bought her a couple of new toys yesterday as a sort of peace offering she loves the new toys so mabie she will forgive me now.

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