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Bright green stool...


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Hi Everyone,

Last night Lilo started poopping bright green color stool. I checked online and it says its a sign of trouble, which got me worry, so I thought if its still the same color in the morning then I will take him to the vet right away.

This morning his stool went back to normal..darker green with white parts and clear water part, so I feel better now. But I m just wondering does anybody know what cause the bright green stool? One thing I did feed him different than other days were some pizza(only the bread part with little cheese) which I fed it to him before too and never seen bright green stool like that before. Any input will be helpful. THANKSSSS

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I don't know where you read this but the only droppings that indicate trouble are those that are totally watery all the time 24/7, with very little color to the urine with no solid part to to the actual dropping. Also with no color. This indicates intestional a intestional disorder. The other type of droppings that are bad news are those that come out and obviously look like blood. Please don't confuse the color of blood with the color of a bird's red droppings that are caused by eating red food pellets. There is a difference and it's obvious. That's a sign that the reproductive organs have been damaged. Both situations can be corrected by a vet. Just the fact that your bird's droppings turned to a diffent color the next day say's that there was no problem. Why was it green? Can't tell you that. Too many reasons. I can tell that birds that are on a parrot mix diet alone will have green droppings all the time. Recently, we had another thread about droppings and it turned into a fun affair with all the posters in the thread. I wish I could remember where it it but anyway, nothing to worry about. I know that thread would make you feel better so if anyone here should post that link, please read it. That link is also good for the future.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2008/11/18 18:07

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Did you give your bird any new foods or toys? I bought Schroeder a dyed wood chew toy, depending on what part of it he played with/chewed on his poo changed color. By the end of the day we had Schroeders technicolor dream poo collection on a paper towel. It was a sight to see. Needless to say, I did not buy that toy again. You may want to think back and try to figure out what may have been in that beak.

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Thanks for all your replies, I feel much better knowing that Lilo is not in trouble. : ) Besides the pizza I gave him yesterday, I did find that he broke into one of the wood toy and the color inside of the wood toy is different from outside, so maybe that has something to do with it. Thanks again For All your quick response!!

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Miya poop the other day was a yellowish orange I thought it was the dye from her rawhide bone,since it's orange,and was going to throw it away.


But while cleaning under the cage for dropped stuff,I found a half eatem chetoe my hubby had givenher.he had asked if it was ok,being it's the first time he has shown her any attention in the week she has been homw with us,I said it was ok,but only one.I was so happy he wanted to give her somethin..


yeah he is warming up to her.:woohoo: :)

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