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Red Heat Bulbs


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The front of the condo is very warm, but the back is freezing cold during the winter. We recently installed a red heat bulb in there, and I would like to use it this winter to keep the bathroom warm while Schroeder and I are getting ready to go to work (Yes, we work together, stop laughing. Yes, he has his own desk, fake laptop and fake phone....his message taking skills arent great yet, but he doesn't mouth off to clients, works for peanuts and keeps spirits up so stop laughing). Does anyone know anything about the effect of the red light on greys' eyes? I know they see things a bit differently than we do. It didnt seem to bother him much today when I tried it out, but if it going to cause long term harm, I wont use it when he's in there with me.... Any thoughts? (This is important. He is my V.P. of marketing and public relations, I can't have him taking sick time off for a headache or filing a worker's comp claim due to blindness.)

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No, Jen, you can't afford to have your vp ill! One source I read (which one?) said Greys needed blue spectrum light but when Precious wasn't feeling well this last January the vet said to keep a red heat lamp on in a corner of her cage all the time, that she needed the extra heat, but to place it where she could move in and out of it at will. So I did, but it wasn't a forever thing. I use a heater made just for bathrooms to keep mine comfortable and I use a baseboard heater in her room so that it isn't too cold at night. Just a thought. Oh, and the message taking skills will improve. I knew a macaw who was very good at answering the phone and Precious does an acceptable job most of the time!:P :silly: :lol:

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Schroeder seems to be uninterested in talking, so he mainly uses print media to advertise. Thanks for the input. Our bathroom is very tiny and there wouldnt be a way to safely add a small prto-oheater to the bathroom (which is why we stuck the red bulb in the cieling). I am glad that the heat bulb for 15 min a day wont kill him straight off, I guess I have some time to research the idea. I will indicate to Schroeder that other birds have managed to answer the phone and that his next bonus will depend on him mastering these basic skills. Honestly, I think he thinks he runs the place. He even quit early today to go play with his toys. Ugh

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Yes, he has the life. Work benefits for him include, but are not limited to: a fully funded retirement package, fully paid for health insurance from VPI, catered meals, a nice view, a forgiving learning climate and a CEO that does all of his work for him. Its easy to spoil him though. Every time I ask him for a kiss I get it, and he doesnt bite or scream nearly as much as I would tolerate.


I have a question about the blue light you mentioned earlier. Do you actually have a blue bulb? I thought they were supposed to have full spectrum light and bought him a grow bulb at the local plant store. Do they both do the same thing, or should I replace his bulb?

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I use a radiant heat panel similar to the ones at my vet's office. They put out soft, even heat, use low wattage, and keep him snuggly. I bought the small and hung it behind his sleep perch. I'll try to post a pic later.


I bought mine at Parrot Island. Here's a link. You might have to copy and paste it:



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Hi Jen,


Kitty^3 reference to "Blue" light is actually UVA and UVB. That is a different story entirely. They can see in the UV spectrum and it greatly enhances their visual world, remember seeing a Moth and how colorful it is when fluoresced with UV light? That's what your grey can see all the time if UV from natural sunlight or from a special full-spectrum UV lamp that many of us use.


The "red" lamp is Infra-Red and produces heat and will not harm your Grey in any way, well unless he fell a sleep against it. ;-)

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