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Need help deciding on a cage


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Birds Comfort has a cage very similar to cage 1 about 100 bucks cheaper




Schroeder has this cage and i mounted a c shaped stiff rope perch under the breeder box door and hung toys from it. I put paper towels under it so he doesnt poo on the floor and it works well. It also has a playtop, was easy to assemble and I got great customer service form the site manager.

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Yeah, I saw Patsy's cage and had a moment of "when I'm rich and have a bigger home..." The cage we have is pleanty big, I can lean in and rest my arms on the central perches to give Schroeder his morning kisses and to tuck him in at night. It is also pretty strong. Before I brought Schroeder home, my niece (4 years old at the time) spent a day using it as a fort and crawling in and out playing birdy. While this was, in retospect, probably pretty stupid, The cage held up well.

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(in reference to the common sense comment)


Not enough can be said about decorum ~ I thought this was a safe zone for learning and sharing.


By the way, I would never even consider keeping a two year old in a cage.


Why not look on craigslist for a cage or perhaps EBAY? No one likes getting ripped off. :angry:






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Some people like to be told that their ideas which are really wonderful but impractical, appreciate being told that impracticle ideas will cause problems. Sometimes, *decorum* isn't necessary where the subject of live animals is concerned. Many times, bluntness is the way to go. Many people new to the world of birds are happy to be stopped in their tracks when looking at an item in a different light. It's not their fault and others quickly wanna make sure that the person is on the right track because of the limited time that's involved before the bird gets home. On this board we's all just a bunch of ordinary country folk and we ain't got time to show decorum. We's too busy takin care of the other pesky animals in the house. Doin that damn stuff has helped us folk to dodge the etiquette police.

Now if we was talking about a ranch style house as opposed to a colonial style house, hmmmm, well now, those smart people gotta use decorum when they decide on the type of grass seed that will be used in the garden. After all,they wouldn't want the same color as the Joneses down the block. The color of the brick facing would also be important.

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Great points Dave!


I am beginning to see that going cageless is NOT a very popular notion, at least in this forum. I have been visiting other boards with more varied ideas on the subject, but I can definitely see your point about the dangers of going cageless.


Redkim is an avid researcher, so I am sure she will explore all of her options before deciding on which route to take as she embarks on her grey journey. She seems to be a very level-headed lady, who is out to do the right thing. :)






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Dave speaks correctly. ;)

I, as administrator, may be a lot of things here on this forum, ANNMARIE, but the etiquette police is not one of them when it comes to decorum. Most of us here lead very busy lives, and are in a hurry and don't have the time to pick and choose our words so carefully.


I agree with Judy, that "common sense" would dictate that you don't leave a bird to his own supervision loose in the house when you are not home. These are our opinions based on our experience, research, and we like to warn new bird owners of ALL the possible dangers that can lurk. IGNORANCE IS NO EXCUSE..... we are here to help and voice our concerns when we feel it is needed.


As far as the "two year old" comment, no you wouldn't "cage" a two year old, I don't see where Judy said you would, BUT you would make sure that they were supervised at ALL times, for their safety as well.

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You are so correct. The cage is HUGE and takes up 1/2 of the room. Darcy stays there when I'm not in, but out in the family room on his playstand when I am home. When searching for a cage, measure what area you have to work with, and then search. Also, check if you are getting free shipping with the price of the cage. The website I pointed you to gets you free shipping, the website from ShroedersJen does not have free shipping, but actual shipping charges. Good luck. Show everyone a pic when you finally decide!

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Oh wow - THANK YOU PATSY!!! And the price is the same I would pay for the other cages. I like Jen's idea of perches out and around the cage - I did that with my cockatiels in the past and they loved it. I also like the divided tray at the bottom so I don't have to wield an enormous tray around for cleaning.


Of course the boyfriend may not be so enthusiastic about the size but he just goes along with things. Well, in our current temporary digs I am going to have to do some VERY creative maneuvering but I just may be able to work it. The new house will have oodles of room for a cage that size.


I know about having to assemble a cage inside. My ferret cage is about that size, actually a little larger. I was actually advised by one salesperson that the cage I wanted was "overkill" and only breeders or rescues should use a cage that large. ????? I could not believe that this person was advocating a smaller cage! If I have the room then why not? My 2 ferrets have tons of room to play and climb while we are out and get lots of good exercise in a nice big cage. Sure I could have gotten smaller but why? Some people just don't get it I guess. If we are going to take responsibility for keeping animals then why not do the best we can for them rather than go with what is "easier" or "normal".


OK - off the dang soapbox. It sure is nice to chat with a group like you guys who are all like-minded.


Thanks for the confidence AM - I sometimes think I over obsess with researching but then I end up rewarded for all the time and effort and so it just keeps going! Having a forum like this to get opinions has helped a ton!!


I am getting in 2 shipments of various climbing deals, forage toys, perches, and other sundry items tomorrow - cannot wait!! I am going to be in Christmas-land early this year!

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