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Is Molly flighted?


If not, be confident in yourself and ball your hand up in a fist with the skin stretched tight across the back. Move your tightened fist in under her with the back of the fist facing her and just make her step up and take her to the cage.


If she is flighted, that's another story and you will not have much control over the situation other than others advised to ensure all her foods are in her cage and perhaps try to bribe her back in with a treat. :-)

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She did go back in eventually we bribed her in. Molly isn't flighted and my poor baby had her wings clipped when we got her so she hasn't fleged yet altough she keeps trying to fly. She was in her cage tonight with the door open and she has only just coe out in the last twenty minutes:lol: :lol:

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At least you managed to bribe her in Wendy, make sure you find out what her favourite treat is and use this to your advantage.


I always save pine nuts to entice my three back in, I dont feed them until they are back in their cages.


Does she step up for you yet? If not you will find it so much easier when she can. Especially if she is clipped. Let me know if you would like me to provide a link on training to step up.



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