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Baby Timneh Grey


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I was wondering I just brought my baby Timneh african grey home last night, today everytime I talk to him he chirps non stop, same thing if I hold him, if I put him back in his cage and walk away he is quiet, I was wondering if this is normal or if he needs somthing, it is almost like a little cry, he also wants to get real close to my face up on my shoulder but under my hair, the breeder told me not to let him on my shoulder or he will try to dominate me. I mostly was trying to figure out the noise it is a real soft chirp and he really wants to be out with us. I am hand feeding him once a day but dosn't show a lot of interest, but does eat a little. Thank you in advance for any advice.

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Hello Jhhuhma and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and your new baby grey. Have you named him yet?


Was your baby grey weaned before you brought him home? Breeders are not supposed to sell unweaned babies but he is partially right about the shoulder sitting. Some greys do feel more superior when shoulder sitting but it depends on the individual grey, I do allow my grey on my shoulder but I have no problem with getting her to come down when I ask. It really is a personal preference, if you don't feel comfortable with him on your shoulder then don't do it.


I think you will benefit greatly by reading thru the many threads especially the nursery room where you will find lots of information about the babies and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


If you have some pictures of your baby grey you would like to share with us we would love to see them.

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I did I named him Echo, the breeder said he was about 99% weaned, she just sent the formula with me and told me to try to feed him at night before bed and see if he would take it, she told me about 20cc, he ate very little of it last night, I am also weighing him now to make sure but he will eat about anything. I have a bunch of pictures of him I will get some up soon, I need time to load them on my pc,


Do you know is the constant chirping while we interact with him normal? Is he crying or is he just trying to communicate with us? He stretches out his head and want to look you in the eyes. I just want to make sure he is happy and not crying because he needs somthing. Like I said if we put him back in his cage he stops, unless we walk by.


Thank you,

I think I am going to love this forum

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Well he is still a baby and he is going to make some noises while he adjusts to his new home but I don't think he is crying. He is always going to make some chirping and other noises from time to time, just be patient with him and as long as he is eating and holding his weight he is doing just fine.

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Be very happy with the affection that the bird is showing you. Sometimes it takes a grey a while before they start doing what yours is doing immediately. Cheeping, chirping is what they do when they're in the right warm spot. You can't overfeed him. If they're not hungry, they simply won't eat so just make sure that when you feed him, it's the proper thing to feed. Judy is right about the shoulders. Some birds are okay up there and others aren't. As she sid, check the nursery board here. Lots of info about very young birds and what should be done when they first come home. Also, others will direct you to sections that specifically deal with birds on shoulders.

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Hello jhhuhma,


Welcome to you both and congratulations on your new baby grey.


Please take time to look around the Nursery room here in the forum. There are various threads which will guide you through your babies first days and advice about socializing at such an early age.


When you get time it would be lovely if you could post a photograph in the baby album. We all love baby pictures on here!


Hope you enjoy.



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Welcome jhhuhma and Echo!!


Cherish those baby chirps and panting that they do when with you. They are normal and Echo is letting you know he is one happy camper being with you.


As long as Echo behaves himself on your shoulder, it is fine. I personally do not buy into the principal of a bird being higher makes them feel like they are dominating you. They are not Dogs and birds naturally do not have a "Leader" or seek to become one. They are a flock and all have the same rank in their eyes.


The others have also given GreYt information. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)

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Hello and welcome to the forum. You have gotten some great advice from the other very experienced members. Sounds like you don't have anything to worry about and that he is very happy to be with you. This is a great place to learn all about greys. There are many useful threads and if you have a question there is always someone online ready to help. Look forward to hearing more about you and your baby. :)

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Hi Jhhuhma and welcome here. We're glad you could join us. Sounds like you and Echo are starting off just fine together. Perhaps your Echo just likes to vocalize alot and she is just trying to get your attention. As long as she is eating alright and not losing weight I wouldn't be concerned about the sounds she is making.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello! i'm a new member here and i just posted a topic which is very similar to yours. My Congo grey is 4months old and he keeps chirping everytime im around him and whenever he hears my voice i was really worried because he stops whenever he is alone. Hopefully this is just because he is a baby and our greys will grow up to be healthy and lovely companions. Let me know how is it going with you and Echo. Im unable to make him stop unless he is by himself and i dont want to leave him alone!

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