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most birds will give off warning signs when they are about to bite. Pay close attention and you will learn to recognize them. I'd keep your bird off of your shoulder till such time as he has earned your trust and you know he wont bite. Also, birds don't bite for no reason, there are a ton of reasons for biting. As you get to know him, you will learn what he likes, dislikes, bite triggers and that occasionally what may seem like a bite is really your bird trying to play with you. Be patient and observant and you will find the bites getting fewer and fewer.


When I got Schroeder, I was careful to let him play with my fingers in his mouth. When he got a little too firm, I told him to be nice over and over. Now when he is being a bit too "playful" I can tell him to be nice and he calms down and stops nipping in a painful way. By letting your bird see that you are not afraid of his beak you are also sending a message that biting you isnt impressing of scaring you and that there is no point to it.


If you are trying to do something like pick your bird up or some other specific activity, and he is hell bent on biting, you can distract him and he may forget about his bitey mission. Again, that is one of those things where you really have to get to know your bird to see what you can get away with.

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