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Feathers Falling Out


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Hello all new to Grey Forum, My Afican Grey CoCo is 15 years old appears to be healthy however last night he flew off his cage an when he did he lost about 10 feathers very long feathers Im freaking out as I never see this happen any answers as to why so many feathers at once

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Long feathers?- from the wings?

Using inch measurements---how long are these feathers and how wide?

can he still fly?

did he crash into something?

You're freaking out--is he doing the same thing?


It's much better to submit a photo of him and a photo of those wings that fell out. It could coincide with molting in which some birds lose many kinds of feathers overnight but photos are much better in order to give you an answer. Guesswork may not help you.

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CoCo has never been able to fly he always crashes he has never master the technique, this time he did not crash he just landed on the floor the feathers are underneath the wing possible flight feathers the longestest feathers are 8 inches shortest is 4... about 2 inches wide some 1 1/2

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If he didn't crash and just glided down, more than likely it has to do with that time when they were gonna fall out shortly. If he's not freaked out today, more than likely he won't be.


Let me tell you about something that happened to one of my greys last week--

We had a frigid cold spell here. The bird room was extremely cold, I decided to raise the temperature about 3/4 degrees. That night they all went to sleep. The next morning, I took the covers off the cages and on the bottom of one of the cages were 4 wing feathers, 7 covert feathers, 3 tail feathers and loads of breast feathers. They all fell out at the same time and I knew that it was a combination of eventual molting and temperature change that caused those feathers to fall out at the same time. That's happened to my birds in the past and the birds never gave it a second thought. I'm the one that was pissed off cause I had a lot of vacuuming to do but if you really think that something is very wrong, you can either call or visit your vet. Guessing what happned is hard to do.

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