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cold weather


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not that we're at this point yet but what weather type can greys go out in. It's starting to get cold here in Texas, and wanted to know whats the lowest temp they can handle. I haven't kicked on the heat in the house yet. I don't know what to do with him.... the heater hasn't been on since last winter of course so when we do turn it on it's going to have that smell that heaters have when they have sat over time. Is it going to bother George or should I try to get him out side?

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Hi. If you can run your heating for a bit before it gets too cold you may be able to get George out side while you do so. this will burn off any fumes while they are out. I am in the uk and have an aviery where my birds can go on fine days but I consider it too cold right now. It is about 48degrees.

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