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Hello Wendy. First off, Molly only came home yesterday and is still very nervious in her new home.Greys are easy upset by change. You say she will take treats from your hand,this is fantastic,such a good start.For now I would just talk to her and give her treats,she will then become more confident of you and her new home.You can then progress a little further. If you have not already, introduce yourself in the welcome room and tell us more about Molly. Was she hand reared,are you a first time bird owner. Really the best advise I can give is to take your time and let Molly settle. Read through some threads in the nursery room and learn all you can. I hope to hear more about you and Molly. Everyone hear are so willing to offer help and advise. I am sure you will progress without too much trouble before long. Good luck. Sheila

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Hiya Wendy,


First of all let me congratulate you on your new baby Molly.


I have included a link for you above which will give you guidance and tell you what to expect in the first few days after bringing your baby home.


Dont expect to much from Molly, she is going to be feeling very nervous and anxious, everything and everyone is new, unless you got Molly from a breeder and have been having regular contact with her.

She is taking treats from you which is really good, just go at Molly's pace and dont rush her with anything.


Do you already have birds or is Molly your first?

I cant wait to hear more about both of you, please post any questions and maybe some pictures once Molly settles in.



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Molly is our first bird. Thanks for the link She is clicking her beak at the moment as if she is grinding her beak together.Her cage is right next to our sofa so she can see us and she sees to be enjoying all the attention she is getting from her new moomy and daddy.

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I was wondering if my timneh was younger then what they said after seeing yours Molly and you said yours was 4 months old and I noticed his beak was changing and my timnhe hooties is still dark.he was born July 18 I tired contacting the breeders but no answer yet..But I did notice his eyes are changing to grey..But he is such a love bug.

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Shera36 - A baby TAGs eyes at 4 months old are still dark. They start lightening at around six months. It sounds like your is correctly aged by the breeder.


Mollysmum - Your TAG is beartiful and definately older than 4 months, probably more around 6 or 7 months. Also, Molly is about as big as she is going to get at that age. She may put on a little more weight, but not grow much more structure.

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