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Thinking Of Buying A Grey!


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hi all, i am new to the forum!


i have kept birds for a long time, and my last bird died a few months ago. now i am contemplating getting a grey!!! i have been fascinated by them all of my life!


my question is, that the bird MAY have to be left alone at the most twice a week, whilst i go out to work? would this damage or upset the grey?


if so i could make different arrangements!



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Welcome Steve!!


I assume you mean you would be back in the evenings those few days a week you go out to work. That being said, yes, it's no problem at all. They get used to the normal schedule of a household. Many families work weekdays, spend the evening with their Greys and weekends of course.


It's nice having you here, why don't you go to the welcome room and officially introduce yourself so others will know you are new to the forum?


Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)

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Hello Steve and welcome to the family, so glad you have decided to join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and this new grey you want to get.


You are doing the right thing in finding out all you can before you make the final plunge into greyt ownership for if you know what you are getting into then you will be better prepared.


My grey is left alone for over 8 hours a day 5 days a week and she is fine, I also have a sun conure in a separate cage but they are company for each other and I leave a radio on to provide background noise. She does fine for as soon as I get home she is out for the remainder of the evening, as long as you make quality time with them is more important than quantity of time.


You will find lots of useful information in our many threads so read thru them at your leisure and do not hesitate to ask any and all questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.

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Hiya Steve,


Its so nice you could join us here.


Many of our members work through the day, some even do shift work, this isnt a problem, just be sure to leave enough toys for your Grey so they have plenty to do and wont get bored.

Another good thing to do is to leave the TV or Radio on, or even put them on a timer, this is what I do for my three when ever I need to go out.


Cant wait to hear a bit more about you, hope you enjoy it here.



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Just remember to provide lots of toys and foraging opportunities to keep them busy, we do have some threads here on just that very subject so do a search to find them. They need that to keep them occupied or they will find other ways and that may include plucking but they are capable of spending some time alone.

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Me and my husband both work. I work 9-5 and my husband works shifts.


My CAGs have lots of toys and have the radio on too. They are usually happy to adapt to your lifestyle as long as you can provide them with the love and attention they need.

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Hi Steve, welcome to the forum. I can't help you with breeders in the UK because I'm in the US but there are several on here from there and they should be able to point you in the right direction.

I'm glad you are doing your research prior to getting your grey. They are so wonderful and although lifelong commitments, they are worth the effort. :)

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