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Southern California Fires


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How thoughtful of you Jen. If I lived that close to the area I would do the same, but I am 180 miles north of LA in Visalia.


This is a great offer that all others in areas around the world should consider when disaster strives in their area and they know they have a home safe from it to offer. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/11/16 18:38

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This is really nice of you. My husband is from Orange and my friend is visiting this week his parent were evacuated and another friend is waiting to see whether his house is gone his niegbors know their house burned but they have yet to find out if they have a home left.

I live in Napa to the north not close enough to help but I would if I could .

Karma to you for helping and offering to open your home:)

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Wow, the 3 of us live in nice places to visit. :-) One of these days, we need to schedule a Grey Forums get together here, all 3 areas have lots of nice places to visit, dine and just have a good time, with our Greys tagging along too. :-)


Sorry to here of your Friends Cflanny, hopefully their house is ok. Is not not looking good down south at all right now with the high sustained winds still raging.

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I have found that most places are great to visit, its living somewhere that gets difficult. Forutnately with Disneyland 20 minutes away, I can escape any time I need too :) I see people bring their lap dogs to downtown Disney, I believe birds on leashes are welcome as well. We should have a local grey day down there. hmmmmmmmmmm, Ill have to get on that.

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