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Hi all just dropped in to fill in my profile and thought I would introduce myself.


My name is Ann and I foster birds from a parrot refuge (the same refuge as Mandiskem) and have a 2 year old ekkie called Charlie, he is a plucker. The reason he plucks is because he rarely was let out of his cage by the previous owners. When he was picked up from the house he was rescued from he hardly had any feathers. Since I have had Charlie he only goes in his cage of a night time and is getting his feathers back and starting to look really smart.


There are pics of him on my profile.

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Thanks for the warm welcome to you both. I hope he is blossoming in my care, I am just letting him have as much freedom as possible by keeping him out of his cage. He is let out first thing in a morning and the door to his cage is left open if he chooses to feed or stay in there. He is only locked up of a night time. I not only take in parrots/birds I also take in unwanted animals & pets with some of the local rescue centres, and recently with the way the credit crunch is you will not believe how many rescue centres are full to bursting point. That is were I step in as I try to avoid them being thrown out on the street or going to a shelter with the possibility of being destroyed. If I can rehome them then I will but only after making sure they are suitable, more often then not I keep them.

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It's wonderful that you have the ability to take in those critters in need. The news here the other night showcased a family going through foreclosure, moving into the only apartment they could afford and they had to turn their beautiful German Shepherd into the animal shelter. The husband and wife were crying, as having to give up that much loved Dog was the last tough burden they could go through, losing any sense of pride or being able to take care of their family, which that poor dog was of course considered to be.


It's great in these tough times, that there are people like you who will step up and try to help as much as you can. :-)

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I agree it is getting tough for quite a lot of people and believe me it's no easy task watching people part with their beloved pets, and that is why I give them the option of me staying in contact with them and sending them regular updates and photos via email or mail. If they live locally I have even offered to let them drop by andsee how they are doing, this makes it a bit easier on them.

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Hello Ann and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you.


You are performing such a service to so many people to take in these rescues and you are so right, with the economy the way it is so many people have had to give up a part of their family and what you do shows what a big heart you have.


We will continue to see high numbers of birds, cats, dogs and other pets given up all due to the economic conditions and there is not enough people out there that are willing or able to take in these pets but I commend you for doing so.


Your Charlie is a lucky ekkie to be taken care of by you and even though he is a plucker I am sure with your love and attention he will do great.


You will find lots of useful information in our many threads so browse thru them and do not hesitate to ask any question you may have and we will help you in any way we can.

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I wish there were lots more people like you in this world! You are doing such a wonderful thing for these animals. I only wish I had the space to do so as well.


Charlie is an absolute beauty. How is he adapting to his new lifestyle?


Cant wait to hear more about you both. Hope you enjoy the forum.



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Hi all Charlie is doing great and enjoys his freedom of being out of the cage. He shouts me first thing to let him out then when he is let out he gives me a kiss and will sit on his cage for most of the day. He only goes back in every now and then and comes out when he is ready to. He is then put in his cage of a night till the next morning. His feathers are coming along great as he is no longer locked up on his cage like he was with his original owner. The other part I have to keep an eye on is his chest as that is the part he plucks when he gets stressed, and as soon as it looks like he is getting his feathers back he will pluck his chest again. I hope it won't be long till he stops this, he is much happier all round and was very moisy last night, which kept me awake for quite a while. He seems to have settled in great. Right I have to go feed all these animals and check on them all and will try and pop back later on. Have a great day and take care all.

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Hi Annie and welcome to the forum! I'm so happy you work with a rescue and do your part to help the animals you can. Charlie sounds like a lucky bird that he has become part of your flock. I feel so bad for the people that are forced to give up their pets, I couldn't imagine the pain of having to do this. They become such a big part of your life, it would be like giving up a child to me. I hope our country can get back on track and with an improvement to the economy and less jobs lost, less people should have to go through situations like this. It really breaks my heart to hear about it.

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Hi Annie, I agree with the others. You seem like an amazing person. I have taken in some older birds, 2 neglected & 2 not. I would like to eventually get more invovled with rescue and perhaps fostering. You are an inspriration to us all:) One of my flock members is a male eclectus too and I just adore him. Hope to hear more from you.

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Hi Pugwash & Baxtersmom & Lyric thanks for the warm welcome and no doubt I will be around a fair bit, although at the moment waiting for my pc to get a format as it got a virus, so on the lap top at the moment. Charlie is ok and shouting at me because I won't give him any of my cup of tea lol he can shout all he likes.


Take care all and speak soon

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