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Tanner's Coming Home!


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We took Cooper out of the cage and put him up on top the first time. It has a slide tray up there too so we can lay paper on it for easy clean up. This was before he was stepping up so it was difficult. He had toys up there and once up there he had fun playing with his toys and he stayed up there awhile and went back in on his own after a few hours. We thought that would do it and the next couple days we left the cage door open but he did not come out:( Then I figured something out. :silly: Since they tray was in there blocking the view he could not see the toys on the top waiting to be played with:ohmy: so we took the slide tray out and he spotted the toys right away (through the top bars) and up he was.:laugh: That's all he needed was to be able to see his toys. He is in and out contstantly now.


I don't know if you can put toys on top of your cage where he can see them or not but if you can maybe put some interesting things up there to get him curious.

I dont really know the right or best way, just can share what we go through over here;)

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I don't know if that would work for Gizmo or not the only toy he really love is a toy I made for him I put some shower curtain rings together to make a chain and then every 4th ring I put a couple sheets of rolled up news paper and hung it in his cage He absolutly loves that thing he ripps and pulls and fights with the news paper all day long he has a great time shreading it. That and 1 wooden block toy are the only toys he plays with he has a wicker basket full of foot toys, a boing a knotted rope, and a swing that hang from the ceiling next to his cage and he has four other toys in his cage that he doesn't pay any attention too so I don't think seeing toy's on the play top are going to entice him. mabie I should take the News paper toy out and hang it from the ceiling next to his boing and knotted rope toy. mabie that would intice him to try out his boing. If he doesn't venture out tomorrow I will try that mabie,you never know he may just have a little fun.

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Let me know how Tanner does with the approach you are taking Gizmo also love me to sit with him he gets a close as he can when I sit beside his cage. he loves to reach through the bars and tug on my shirt. When I leave Gizmo also squawks and then says comere comere. He likes to play tug of war with his news paper toy or an old green towel that he seems to like he's so funny when he attacks his toy he talks to them and say owy owy owy like hes hurting it and thats what its supposed to say. He also like to put his beak through the bars and say kiss kiss and when I give him a kiss on his beak he makes a loud kissing noise like he's kissing me back. I don't know if he's ever going to come out of his cage he's been in there for so long 3 yrs is a very long time without love and affection he doesn't know any other way to be except in his cage. I don't want to give up on him because he's so sweet and he's just craving interaction with someone he just so afraid to come out. I don't know what todo with him. mabie I'll just open his door every morning like I do the other birds and if he watches them coming out everyday and playing and haveing fun he will want to also. I just don't know. I did notice when he does come out he flaps his wings like crazy on top of his cage. It doesn't take long before he's out of breath he's very out of shape from lack of excersize.

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Hey folks, I know I haven't been on here for a few days, and I just wanted to pop in to say all is well. It's been a very busy week! With my mother back in town, I spend a couple of hours after work preparing and serving a civilized sit-down dinner (Mary and I usually just snack at dinnertime), and then I have also been spending extra time with Tanner and Maxi, both before and after work. So instead of being on here, I've been hanging out with our fids and other family!


Tanner's vet visit on Wednesday went well - he squawked all the way through it :pinch: (no surprise). His blood work came back just fine, and either next week of the week after I should know whether "he" is really a "he" or a "she". His wing clip is way too drastic - also no surprise - this store does that - but I am planning to let him fledge now and we will see how that goes. After the indignity of being manhandled by the vet, when I got him home I just let him crawl up onto my shoulder and hang out there for about an hour while I talked to him and scratched his head and we listened to Christmas music on the radio. He was a total cuddlebug. It was really relaxing for both of us, I think!


He seems to make a little progress every day in adjusting to our home. He's quite interested in all the fresh foods I'm giving him, and seems to try just about everything at least once. I'm starting to use bananas as just treats now, though - that seems to be his favorite. He's made up a game I call "Look Ma- no hands" - where he hangs onto the side bars of his cage with his beak, lets go with his feet, and just flicks his wings a few times. He got a laugh the first time he did this, and immediately learned to use that to get my attention. He's starting to play the same holding-my-fingers-snuggling-his-head-in-my-palm game with me again that he was doing in the store - it's a little harder to do balancing on a perch than standing on the floor grate :P . Still not planning on coming out of his cage onhis own yet. The vet suggested that I give him a couple of weeks to settle, just talking with him and visiting, with the cage door open, but then after that to start taking him out regularly, about the same time each day, so he can start learning that this is an expectation and the world does not end when he's out of his cage. That makes sense to me, so I think that'll be our strategy.


I can't wait till 30 days is up and I can move him into the same room as Maxi and the bunny. It's the biggest room in the house, and bright, and I think he'll like it there. I think he'll especially like not being by himslef all day (or even until Mary gets hoem from school). She sits in there and does her homework, at least he's got someone to say "Hello" to over and over!:P


Sorry this got so looooooong, folks - I'll try not to be such a delinquent with in the coming week!

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I'm so glad that Tanners Vet appointment went well. I'm going to try the same thing that your vet suggested with Tanner with Gizmo I'll give him one more week to start comming out on his own and then if I have to I'll take him out and he will have to get used to being out everyday it just silly he want to be with me but doesn't want to come out and be with me and I don't always have to time to go over to his cage to sit with him it would make it allot easier if he would come out and hang out with me where I am instead of me having to go to him all the time. I'm sure your feeling the same way.

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Yes, I agree, Pat. It's one thing while he still in quarantine, but once he's cleared to share space with Maxi I am definitely going to want him to feel more secure outside his cage, so we don't have to be bound to the room he is in. After all - he'd miss all the fun at the dinner table! :P I do worry a little about Maxi being jealous once he moves into the same room and when she actually sees me spending time with him and playing with him (which she hasn't yet), but I suppose we will simply cross that bridge when we get to it. So far, she's definitely aware that there's another presence requiring some of my (and Mary's) time (a presence which occasionally squawks!), but she doesn't really seem to be too bothered about it. So far so good - keep your fingers crossed for me!

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You never know she may just like the idea of haveing another bird around. I think my birds enjoy haveing each other when there's no ones home. at least they aren't at home all alone and even though none of my birds are the same species except for the 2 cockateils they are all birds and that gives them all somthing in common with each other. My birds have become a flock and if thet where out in the wild it would be the strangest looking flock out there but they all have their little friendships going and they argue and play but they don't try to hurt each other and that all I really care about. Maxi will adjust it usually takes about a month for them to get to know and accept each other try not to interfere or make a big fuss and they will soon be fine. Just remember to keep the pecking order so that Maxi realizes she is still top bird in your eyes and always will be.<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2008/11/22 12:03

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So your birthday is on wedensday are you going out to have some fun or are you just going to have a little party at home. How's Tanner has he decided that it safe to come out of his cage yet or is he still being a chicken instead of a Macaw. I must say even though Gizmo won't come out of his cage he really likes to interact with me while he's in there. He loves to give kisses through the bars and he tals up a storm at me he say's some really cute things like Are you happy. and he does rasberrys and says I love you he also say what are you doing and c'mere, Where ya going. He got a very large vocabulary and the cuteest voice you ever heard. when he laughs it makes everyone laugh it sounds so sweet. I really think I'm going to have to make him come out of his cage though there is no way he wants to come out on his own. Well I guess I gotta go now Fergie just flew over and landed on my shoulder she preening my face and my arm and I guess she is trying very hard to get my attention.

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Big Excitement!


Tanner came out of his cage this afternoon - on his own!


I was just hanging out with him, talking, and he seemed very relaxed, and actually started experimenting with crawling out onto the door of his cage - it seemed like he just wante to be closer to me. So I backed off a little and kept cooing to him, and he came a little further, but was undecided. Now I'm feeling determined, so I pulled out a new toy he hadn't seen, and checked to see if he was interested - he was. To make a long story short, there was a lot of back and forth, but within about eight minutes, he had crawled out onto the door and then onto me. Naturally I made a BIG fuss and told him he was the bravest boy ever! :) I was so excited! I kept him out for about half an hour, and then didn't stop him when he looked like he wanted to go back in. About a half hour later, I was back in the room, and here he comes out again. Didn't want to get on me that time, and gave me a really nice pinch on the wrist for offering my arm. So he got my back and the silent treatment for a few minutes.


We still have so far to go to really get stepping-up down - although actually did that once in his cage yesterday. And the out-of-cage thing is so new, that's no guarantee either, he makes it clear he doesn't want me TAKING him out of his cage. But I was so thrilled he finally felt secure enough to try it on his own!


Pat, I'm sure Gizmo will get there, he's just been in his cage SOOO long. I know I am lucky in Tanner's case, even if he is younger. Keep up the faith, and I still think waiting a week and then insisting is a good plan - it's still my plan, too. After another week, I think I will amp things up on him a bit and start trying to teach him that he should come out when I want him out, not just when he wants to come out.


And I will be going out to dinner with my mom and my daughter on Wednesday night, and then coming home to make the pumpkin pie:) ! (I'm the Thanksgiving cook around here...)



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Thats absolutly wonderful news and I have some for you also Me and Andraya my youngest daughter were putting up the xmas tree and since Gizmo is in the diningroom he can see whats going on in the livingroom well his curiosity got the better of his and he came out of his cage and was sitting on the door. when I turned and said oh wow what a brave boy you are thats a good boy he went back in but he did come back out again for a couple seconds so he is starting to think about it anyway mabie in a week or so he will be comfortable enough to come out and stay out I'm so happy it won't be long now for Tanner or Gizmo. Yeah for Tanner yeah for Gizmo:laugh: :laugh:

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Wow, Pat - that's excellent! Isn't that funny that they both gave it a try on the same day! I am SO proud of Gizmo - after all he's been thru that is a huge hurdle for him to have crossed, and I think the credit goes to you for being so patient and consistent with him that he is learning it's okay to take a few risks in your house. Bravo, Gizmo, Pat and Tanner!{Feel-good-000200BB}

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That is excellent news!! I am so proud of Tanner! Cooper is coming out and staying out most of the time but he still does not want us to pet him. He is stepping up like a champ though. I guess he would be perfect if we were just allowed to pet him. I guess we have to do it the hard way and work for it.:S Once he steps up it is just a natural reaction to want to pet him but he squaks or squeels at us:ohmy: when we try. But get this, he steps up and shows no fear, today I have started giving him kisses on his beak and he seems to enjoy it. I make a big smacking kissy noise and he just sits there waiting for another.:laugh: Go figure:huh: So why can't I pet him:blink:

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It really is strang isn't it that it happened on the same day. I had just read your pm and then looked at the thread. I was going to write and congradulate you as a matter of fact I got 1/2 way through it whn My daughter came in and said she was bored so I told her to go put the christmas tree up. she said can you help me. so I left the post half written and went out to help her and then thats when Gizmo came out also. So when I got back to my computer I had to rewrite everything I had write. Like I said he oly came out twice and only for a second but its a barrier that is starting to fall I hope everyday gets better and easier for him and Tanner both

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It really is strang isn't it that it happened on the same day. I had just read your pm and then looked at the thread. I was going to write and congradulate you as a matter of fact I got 1/2 way through it whn My daughter came in and said she was bored so I told her to go put the christmas tree up. she said can you help me. so I left the post half written and went out to help her and then thats when Gizmo came out also. So when I got back to my computer I had to rewrite everything I had write. Like I said he oly came out twice and only for a second but its a barrier that is starting to fall I hope everyday gets better and easier for him and Tanner both

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