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Tanner's Coming Home!


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I couldn't stand it any more. His cage arrived Monday, I got it put together, his bowls are sterilized, the guest room is ready for him for his quarantine period. When I went to visit him Wednesday, he spent most of the time either snuggling his head in my palm or showing me how well he can hang by one foot from his ceiling and do 360s. :P My mother has asked me if she can give me the remaining 1/4 I owe on him as a combined birthday and Christmas gift (which helps her - takes shopping off her mind), and she has also opined that she thinks I should just go get him and save the gas $ visiting him all the time. :P (I come from practical people - wonder what happened to me?)


So I've called the store and told them they can expect us in a couple of hours. Gotta clean Maxi's cage, move a lullaby chair into Tanner's room, do my grocery shopping...then it's off to pick up our new charge! I'm so excited!:silly::side: :silly:

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I bet your excited!! Im excited also. I cant wait to here what he is going to be like at home he sounds like such a sweet heart snuggleing his head into your palm. I just know your going to love him to peices. I am just head over heals in love with that little guy Of mine. They just have a way of stealing your heart. If he is anything like Gizmo he will come around quite quickly. Gizmo doesnt bite me at all he does seem to like to hold my fingers in his mouth though I wonder if thats a macaw thing. I have seen so many pictures of Macaws with their owners fingers in their mouths. These little Macaws aparently are just like the big guys just in a smaller package. That suits me fine I love the Macaw speices and always wanted a Scarlet or a Green wing but My house and my pocket book were never big enough to have such a large bird. So I started researching the mini Macaws and the one thing I loved the most about the Big guys is the feather lines around their eyes and the only mini that has that is the Severe Macaw. I was talking to my friend about them about 2 years ago. So you could imagine my suprize when she Emailed me and told me about this lady that needed a home for her Severe Macaw. I just about fell off my chair. The rest is history. Anyway so much for me babbling away about Gizmo. I am very very happy that Tanner is coming home Your mom sounds like a great person she must be a bird lover also.<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2008/11/15 19:10

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{Communicate-0002011B} Oh, I am so so so happy for you and Tanner!!!! I am so glad he is coming home. Won't he be surprised?! You have such a great mom to have come up with this idea. Of course we want to hear every detail once he's home.


Please tell Tanner{Communicate-00020121} Home<br><br>Post edited by: BaxtersMom, at: 2008/11/15 19:44

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I just thought of something :( Im not going to be here for Tanners home comeing. I have to go to work today. I have to leave the house no later than 3:30pm so I can be at work for 4:00 I really need to change my shedule I miss out on all the fun Darn darn darn. Ohhh well such is life.:laugh:<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2008/11/15 21:55

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Those would be Tanner with his newly-chosen security person, Mary (aka MarytheTweet), whom he climbed right up onto out of the carrier from the store, and didn't want to leave! After a couple of hours of reading to him, she put him in his new cage here, and we are just letting him chill and get used to things now. Of course, he's very nervous right now (been through lots of new stuff today!) and now that he's in his cage, he doesn't want to come out again. But he has stepped up (after some work) for both Mary and me already and I think he is going to be a wonderful addition to our little flock! I am so thrilled that he has latched onto Mary now, too - I think it's all that hair he can hide behind and snuggle into and preen.:P

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You know Erika, I think he did know it was time to go. The Boss Bird Lady had to towel him to get him out of his cage, but once he was out, he was just making kissy noises and totally submissive.


Now my mother (in the background in one of those pictures) is getting her heartstrings tugged by the amazons we left behind...so she totally understands how we ended up being a two-parrot household!;)

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That is so neat. I think it's great he is home and great that he chose you. See how smart he is? He knew exactly what to do with you to find a home:laugh:


Tell your mom that amazons are great birds, too. Perhaps she should go back and get it;) Cooper is really a character and doing so well. He is now stepping up when we ask (most of the time) He is such a clown and so active. Always looking for something new to do and he is interested in everything!! Maybe it's because he is still young, about 1 1/2 yrs. My others all came to me as adults and this is the youngest bird I have gotten and he acts just like a child. It is soooo funny.


Does your mom live close by? Has she had bird before or does she have one now? Does she enjoy birds like you do?

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Thanks for all your warm welcomes for our new baby!B)


He ate well tonight, and he seems to be adjusting. He must have heard Maxi whistling from the next room, and I'm sure Maxi heard him "speak" a few times today, but neither of them seems to be too worked up over it. Between me and Mary there were peaceful goodnights all around.:)


Erika: my mother kind of has one foot in Portsmouth and one in Connecticut - still hasn't totally moved to the apartment we bought two blocks from me here in town. She kind of spends a few weeks here and then a few days-to-weeks there, depending on what's going on. She has never had a bird herself - her grandmother had canaries - my father was the natural "bird person" of the two of them. My mom reminded me today that my father's sister had a cockatiel at one point (not in my lifetime) and she thought if my aunt had had the resources she would have had a larger parrot, too. (I think my mom is now seeing a new way in which I am like my aunt (who died 7 years ago). It's certainly true that I fell off my father's side of the family tree, as it were - always has been.) Right now Mother seems to be enjoying this whole new parrot line of the family tree :P immensely, if vicariously through Mary and me. (She has been really delighted that Maxi is stepping up on her more this visit, for instance.) I know that she would love to have Tanner snuggle up to her, too, when (s)he is ready, as he has done with Mary and me. I will probably have a hard time keeping her from visiting that blue-front amazon in the days to come, tho I feel like I really need to stay the heck out of the bird room for now myself, you know?:whistle: I am so obviously a soft touch! And BTW: I will relay your message about amazons, Erika! ;)


We are so happy to have Tanner Logan under our roof - finally! And now I must go to bed so I can make good use of my Sunday to share between Maxi and him!


{Love-000200BF} to all of you, our supporters!

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What great pictures it sounds like Tanners going to be easy he is obviously so happy to be home. Im cant wait to compare notes he seems to be so much like Gizmo in every way iso strange how 2 birds canbe so much alike after I manage to get Gizmo to step up the first place he heads is for my shoulder. He just love to ride around up there and it looks as though Tanner likes to be on someones shoulder also. Mabie you should try Tanner on walnuts also they are Gizmos favorite treat he will do anything for a walnut including come out of his cage to get it. I buy the halves and pieces and just give him a a piece when he does something really good like come out of his cage or stepping up when I ask I also give him toms and tons of praise. I doènt like to give to many treats for rewards Idonèt want him to do thing just because hhe gets a treat for it so walnuts are only given for something very special. anyway Ièm am so happy Tanner is finaly at home where he belongs He seems to be very happy abput the whole thing also. Even though its new and exciting for him and hes a little nervous Im sure hes thinking yes I did it I got myself into a new home:laugh:

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:P :P - yes y'all are right, I think underneath those new-home nerves, Tanner's thinking "Heyhey look at me folks, I got 'em to take me home!":P


Day 2 has been fun so far and I figure I'll update now because I may not have time to get on here later. Between Mary and me, one of us has been in Tanner's room for most of the day, reading, doing homework, or just chatting to him, listening to the radio or a tape. He really likes the tape I have of jungle birds - no surprise! He also likes bananas (both fresh & dried - neither of which Maxi likes) so of course his new nickname is Tanner Bananner - (it doesn't take us long around here...:P ) And edamame pods. Around noon I insisted he come out of his cage, and though he wasn't crazy about it, he didn't bite me, and once he was out he spent the next two and half hours sitting either on me or Mary. :) :) He definitely wants to be right up next to your head, preferably a little behind it, snuggling into your hair. (A pet robin I had once used to do that too.) But at one point he just parked himself high on my chest, kind of where you would pin on a brooch, and just flattened himself in, with his head hooked over my shoulder - and just stayed like that for a while as I walked around. It was TOO cute! He is definitely going to be our cuddle-bird, which of course has Mary just tickled pink. We also worked on some step-ups, and although he would really rather be on shoulders, he tolerated it and seems to be getting used to how they work, and to switching hands. I've been rewarding him mostly with lots of praise. I tried him out on a walnut piece a few times, Pat, and so far they aren't what he wants most - banana chips seem to be more likely to get him interested. I really don't know what he has ever had in the way of fresh foods either, so the pallette is completely open - I'm feeding him and Maxi the same things, and curious to see what he likes. Going to call tomorrow and see when I can get him in for a well-bird check.


So far so good. I really am falling in love - I am so happy he seduced me into bringing him home!:)

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Thats so wonderful he sounds Like he going to be a great companion. I think he's going to be allot easier than Gizmo just because Tanner is still a baby so he still curious about everything. when they're young they are definatly allot more trainable than they are after a few years have passed. Now that I have Gizmo out of Quarintine I am taking things a bit slower. he's in a whole new enviroment again so I'm going to just let him be for a day or two and let him adjust. There is allot more activity around him now than there was before and I don't want to scare him.

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Gizmo is wondering what is happening I think I've moved him and his cage to the dining room and haven't really done any touching or tryed to step him up or nothing I have just been sitting with him and letting him adjust to his new spot. There is allot more activity where he is . He can see and watch sprout and Raja playing and watch the tv with us. So I'm backing off a little hoping that he will miss all the attention and be more willing to come out of his cage on his own when I open the cage door. I can tell he missing it because he comes right over to sit with me when I come and sit beside his cage. He grabs the sleeve to my shirt and pulls it like he's trying to pull my hand in closer I m going to just leave him for today and then tomorrow I will open his door and see if he wants to come out and play

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Why Pat, that is downright devious of you - and I mean that in the nicest possible way!:lol: I'll bet Gizmo IS wondering what is going on. So you are putting the ball in his court, so to speak, and letting him take the initiative. Keep me posted on how that is working!


I have been somewhat undecided as to the best way of approaching Tanner's shyness at this phase. Most of what I have read on cage-bound behavior emphasizes how important it is to to let the bird come out of his cage on his own, and that makes sense to me. Now that Mary and I have seen what a snuggler he is once he's out of his cage, it's hard to resist pushing the issue, but today I insisted we hold off. He readily allows me to put my hand in his cage now, and he is spending time exploring his three perches and his three toys and the interesting things in his fresh food dish. He says "hello" again now, and today when I left for work and said "Seeya later alligator - byebye sweetie-pie", he squawked again. Like - how many times have I gone in and out of that room in the last 48 hours, but he remembered that those are my goodbye words, so he knew he wouldn't see me for awhile. :(


Anyway - I have an appointment for a baseline physical with the vet on Wednesday, so of course I will have to insist he come out of his cage that morning, but otherwise I'm thinking maybe we should just hang out with him with the cage door open and chat with him for now. He clearly enjoys our presence - the more time we spend just sitting by the cage, the more relaxed he becomes. What do y'all think?

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