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how much does your Timneh weigh?


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Okay this is for all the Timneh owners. I was on a breeders website and they claim they have a timneh male that weighs 445grams and a female at 350grams.


I find it hard to believe since my timneh weighs in at 315 grams avg. They said in their descriptions these are the parents and breeding couple. Im just curious and i know congos are larger and heavier on avg and they specifically say its a Timnehs. How much do yours weigh in at?

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445 seems prtty far fetched to me for a TAG. I have a male and a female TAG, my fiancee usually weighs them while I am at work, but I will get their weights tonight. Last time i weighed them the female was 322 and the male was 343 and he is a pretty big TAG from what everyone has said that has seen him (vets and breeder).

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If he really did have a TAG that size, the bird was either sick or extreme overweight plus female breeders tend to lose weight during breeding season because most of their food intake goes to the chicks. The female breeders don't suffer though because they're also extremely inactive. The male does all the work including giving her food which is transfered to the chicks. The female only takes a bit for herself. After breeding season is over, the female's strength and weight needs to be replenished which takes about 3 to 5 mts. 445 for a TAG? I doubt it.

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