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Hello all,

Wanted to take a min to say hello. My name is Jen, I am owned by Mr. Schroeder Easybake Muffins (Schroed E. Muffins for short). Schroeder is a beefy timneh and treats me well. He lets me live in a nice quiet condo in Mission Viejo, CA, and since I work from home, he is kind enough to spend most of the day outside of his birdy chateau allowing me to scritch his head. My keeper also eats all the fruits and veggies that I dont want. Mr Muffins and I will be moving to a house in a few months, and he has instructed me to build him a large flight aviary in the back yard. If anyone here has one, I'd love suggestinos. It should be no smaller than 10' by 20' by 10' tall to accomodate his large ego. Till then, hope all is well, I am looking forward to getting to know everyone and their fids...errrrrr...I mean owners.


-Jen happy_Schroeder.jpg


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Hello Jen and welcome to the family, so glad you finally introduced yourself after joining a couple of months ago but we like to get to know our members a little bit.


I like your take on who owns who, that is about the truth of it and Schroed E Muffins is surely proud of himself from the photo you shared, what a cute pic.


You have probably already read thru a lot of the threads but do browse thru them for loads of information and do not hesitate to ask any and all questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


I really do love that pic, I bet he is quite a character.

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Thanks for the quick mentor session. I'm a bit slow ;)


Happy November!


And yes, he's a great bird and a bit of a favorite at the local bird store.....Schroeder is a total sweetheart to everyone but my husband (doesn't like the competetion), and as long as he gets what he wants when he wants it, he is a very appreciative dictator.

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Yup, he certainly does. His favorite training tool is the vice bite. If he wants something and I ignore him, he will take a body part (earlobe, finger, toe) in his beak and gently squeeze with increasing pressure till I have to react to avoid intense pain. Then I get an "I gotcha wench!" squak.

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