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hi, new grey owner


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Hi I am a new african grey owner... and so far I just love him to death..


I never owned a big bird before but so far I think everything is going fine... first day he didnt want to eat his formula, and I was a bit worried, but he came around and has done fine since. he is also eating plain food. He is 4 months old.. a baby still. He is so tame, I have had cockatiels , but they wasnt tame. i did get them where they would walk around on the floor and outside of their cage, but not like this grey. He wants to be right where me and my husband are at all the time or on top of his cage...


We go see the vet on saturday, his first vet visit.I am looking for a good support group so that if I do run into any problems I can ask for help.


the pet store I bought him at said he was a congo, but the shot record says a timnel... and from the pics on internet, I beleive he is a timnel.


I started trying to catch him poop in his cage so i can praise him so that i can get him to poopy on command. any suggestions to help will be greatly appreciated.


and any good parrot book suggestions will be greatly appreciatied also. I have ordered a couple by sue athans.. I hope they are good..


I am also searching for good ideals on making a play station on top of his cage, seems he likes it up there no how.


Well I hope to make some friends, I am so excited about this grey... He seems so smart...click on the picture as it is a slideshow of charlies first pics if you want to see them.




Post edited by: rierie, at: 2008/11/14 04:25<br><br>Post edited by: rierie, at: 2008/11/14 04:27

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Hello Rierie and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and your grey. BTW, what is his name?


Greys are amazing creatures as you are finding out and they want to be part of the flock and they consider us part of that flock so they want to be where the family is.


You will learn a lot from reading thru the many threads, we have many on the very topics you mentioned like potty training and making your own playstands or gyms. Do a search to find them and do not hesitate to ask any and all questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


If you have any other pictures besides the one in your avatar you would like to share with us we would love to see him.

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oops his name is Charlie,


I tried to add some pics, but they woouldnt ascept them. so I will work on it. may take a little while as I am very busy with charlie right now. I have been reading some posts and info on the sight.


and yes I am so pleased with charlie, it is like he picked us. We have been thinking about a parrot and looked at some and looked around some shops but hadnt quite made the decision, and the jump into the commentment when we found Charlie.. my husband took to him right off, when he said he wanted him, I knew it was right, my husband doesnt spend money easily and to commit to buying him and the expence and commitment. I knew Charlie was for us. We have had him four days and he has been such a joy already.


Can you tell I am so excited about him....


Thank you for welcoming me...

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Most people here use a photo hosting site like photobucket then they can easily put the link or image code into a thread, we do have some info in the FAQ section that will help you with that.


It is so endearing when we hear that a grey did the picking and not the owner, usually means a good match and it certainly looks that way with Charlie.

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Hello rierie and welcome to the forum.


Charlie is a beautiful baby, thanks for including the slide show.


I can tell how much you have fallen in love with him already! He seems to be well socialized and very tame, this is great and he looks so comfortable with you in your pictures.


We have a Nursery room which offers help and advice for new owners of baby greys, or if you have any questions just post away!





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Hello and welcome to the forum. I really liked the slide show and Charlie is a good looking grey. You said the pet store said Charlie was a congo but the records said he was a timneh? Some of the difference are that a timney grey has a lighter bone colored beak, the Congos have a dark beak and brighter red tail feathers. Congos ususally get a bit larger than a timneh but don't think there is much if any difference in how they act and personalities. Congos usually cost a few hundred more than a timneh so I hope they charged you for the right one. In the picture show it looks like the beak was kind of light but hard to tell. Anyway, it sounds like you & Charlie have become the best of friends already and it shows in the pictures too. From reading your post I can tell you love him so much already. :) Thanks for sharing the slide show. That was pretty neat. :)

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