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New update on Brutus


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Hi all,


We have had Brutus about three months. He is terrific and we are enjoying his company immensely! He is so sweet and loves to have his head, and under his wings, scratched. He is mastering flying, and more importantly, landing accurately. He has gotten very attached to both my husband and I. I know he is still a baby, but he has not demonstrated any aggression or fear. He is one laid back bird! We got a bird backpack and have taken him to the local outdoor coffeehouse. He seems to enjoy watching all the action on the street. My husband shares his shower with him, although he is not too crazy about it. He doesn't seem to like being wet, but we are working on making it seem fun. He is practicing all kinds of sounds which is so amusing to listen to. Some of it almost sounds like talking. He has the wolf whistle down though, and used it appropriately on my friend. Very impressive, already knows how to work the ladies!

Just wanted to let you know about our progress. It certainly seems like a good decision purchasing Brutus. We are very happy he is sharing our home!

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What a great update on Brutus!


Brutus has settled into your life and family so well! I love how he has no fear and you are introducing new things to him at this early stage, that is the best thing that you could have done with him.


I love the idea of a backpack, I just take mine out in their carriers when we have an outing. You will have to post some pictures for us next time you venture out with Brutus.


keep us updated with his progress, I look forward to hearing more about him.



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