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Hi everyone,


Im sorry I have been so busy the last month that I have not had time to talk. I brought my new grey home on Oct. 15 and just got the DNA test back last week. It a girl. I named her Maggie Blaine. We are already very close. My question is can it be possible to hold your new grey to much. Maggie Blaine is only 17 weeks old and she loves for me to let her lay in my lap on her back and rub her head or beak. She goes to sleep with both feet straight up in the air. I love spending time with her but do not want to over do it, if it is not good for her. She has neve tried to bite me yet but has biten my wife several times, sometimes drawing blood. She will step up on her hand sometime but will not let her rub her on the head very often. I will try to post some pictures.<br><br>Post edited by: silverdude, at: 2008/11/13 04:11

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Congrats on your baby girl grey, Fred and the only thing I can tell you is if you are spending a lot of time holding her she may come to expect that from now on. In other words continue with this if you can keep this up from now on, they get used to the personal attention and then sometime down the road you cannot provide that much time and attention then she may develop behavior or plucking problems.


But if this is part of your regular everyday routine then by all means enjoy it, some of our member's greys won't allow that much close touching or cuddling and she may not always love it herself. Some greys that were real cuddlers as babies grow out of it and become more independent so don't be surprised if she becomes a little less cuddley as time goes on.


It sounds like she is bonding with you nicely but not with your wife. Greys can have different relationships with each person in a household and do pick favorites and she has chosen you.


I look forward to seeing some pictures of Maggie Blaine when you get around to it.

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The holding is fine. She sounds like a wonderful baby Grey. Enjoy all that baby cuddling while you can, it will become less frequent in most cases and shorter sessions. They do grow up and have a life of their own with that whole world to explore around them. :-)

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