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Trying to understand my grey


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Hi everyone! I'm new here and I have a 1 years old CAG. Wondering if anyone could offer me some advice. I do have a lot of experience on african greys but sometimes their behaviour is so hard to understand.


I've been living with my grey for 9 months now. He means the world to me and people tend to tell me that he loves me too but I honestly do not feel it. I live on my own with my grey, he tends to hate men but does not mind women giving him head scratches. He doesnt step up to anyone but me and his temporary parrot carer (which also is a woman). Though she took care of him less than a month he allow her to give him long head scratches but with me he would only let me scratch him for a few secs and he would fly away from me. He isn't scared of me as he always fly on my shoulder if I'm leaving the room or if I'm doing some household chores.


When I try to return him to the cage or sometimes when I try picking him up he would nip me hard on my hand (not deep enough to leave a mark or bleed), he has never bitten me to the point where I bleed but he has done to other people that try pick him up sometimes if I tell him to step up he would step up on me using me as a temporary perch to get out and then fly off and play. He seems quite happy to keep his distance from me but if I leave the room he would always fly to me and stay on my shoulder and being affectionate with me.


I have no problem getting him to perform tricks such as kissing me or giving me his foot to shake. But I just don't understand what his problem is? It's like 1 minute he hates me and 1 minute he loves me and gives me lots of kisses. He is particularly affectionate if I take him with me to another room. One time my boyfriend tried to pick him up from my shoulder and my cag nipped my cheeks to give me a warning that my bf is getting too close and he didnt like it. Do you guys think my grey is bonded to me or no?


I forgot to mention that when he nips me hard he would usually tip his head down for a scratch straight after (which I don't do for him as he will probably mistake that for reward by biting)


So some advice would be greatly appreciated, as I have tried putting him back in his cage and covering it up if he bites a little too hard which does not work and I also tried a evil look no no yet he still does it again.<br><br>Post edited by: Twilightgirl, at: 2008/11/13 02:35

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Your Grey is going through the normal growing up and at a year he has decided he has his own mind and will start deciding IF he wants to do something. If he doesn't, he lets you know by using his beak.


It definitely sounds like he is bonded to you and does like your BF and may even be jealous of someone else getting your attention or coming too close. These are all normal behaviours and you will need to learn his body language, likes/dislikes etc. so you know when to be prepared to avert a nip.

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Yes your grey is growing up.He is bonded to you. Take care never to re enforse his nipping by talking or picking him up. Any attention is seen as a reward to parrots, even shouting at him and putting in his cage. Just ignore it completely,and reward any good behaviour with lots of praise and attention.Make sure he steps up on command.Be happy that he likes his tempory care giver as it means if you need to, he can be left without worry .

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I would say he is bonded to you. It also sounds like he is going through one of the brat stages and just wants to see how much he can get away with. I would say to not give in to him. If you want him to go in his cage don't let him fly away and stay where HE wants. That tells him that what you say doesn't matter. Be firm and let him know who is boss. When he nips at you don't pull back...and him bowing his head is a kind of "birdy sorry" because he knows that is not allowed. Elmo will beak butt me...not a bite or a nip but just hitting me with his beak...and right after when I tell him NO or give him the eye he will bow his head. I don't scratch him right away but after a few second I do accept him apology and rub his head.

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