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We have Pics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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We saw Spencer last night! We stayed with him for 2 hours! He stayed on my lap for most of the time. He has almost all of his feathers in now.


He's 5 weeks old now, and is a bit nippy. Is this normal at this age, or is he going to be a nippy little man? We could pet him, though.:)


I carry a bag next to me in my chair, and when he got tired, he stuck his little head between me and the bag and tried to go to sleep! I wanted to keep him there all night, but thought he should go back to his cage for a nap :(


OK - Pics! Sorry if they are huge, I selected medium on photobucket.













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I know just how you feel the wait for your bird to be home seem to take forever. It won't be to long now. your baby sure is cute I think when they are a little nippy like that its more curiosity like human babies have to put everything in their mouths its the same with babybirds they have to taste everything to find out if its food or not. I think its a sign of a healthy curious baby Grey and he will grow out of it. He seem to just jove to be on you and snuggling with you thats wonderful. what a cute little sweetie he is.

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Ralph, Spencer is absolutely beautiful!

I can see how proud you are already! Thanks for sharing the wonderful pictures with us.


Dont be worrying about Spencer being nippy, remember he is young and will be testing everything with his beak at the moment. It dosent mean he is going to bite all the time.


Please update us next time you go for a visit.





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  • 4 weeks later...

Nice pictures he's growing into a beautiful bird thanks for sharing him as he grows. It won't be to long now and you'll have him home with you for good then you and him can start the major bonding time with all the cuddles and snuggles that go with it. He looks like he's happy with you already.

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Thank all of you :) He could come home now, but we are leaving for Wisconsin on the 22nd. Our FIDs are going to my Cousins while we're gone. Instead of bringing him home for a little less than 2 weeks then shipping him to my Cousin's until January 7, then bringing him back home, we're just going wait until we get home to bring him home.

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