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Baby Ash Home


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Hi Marius, I'm very happy for you that you have finally gotten Ash home. Can't wait to see those pictures you have promised to delight us with. The sig--well if you will look at other posts you will see below the dotted line a saying, picture or whatever a person has added to be their signature. I have a personal poem I wrote and a couple of quotes from notable persons. You choose what you would like to be your signature, type something in there or put in a photo whatever you like. Whenever you post something that signature will come up to personalize it as yours. Glad you have joined us and can't wait to hear more about Ash.

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Thanks for all your posts. And certainly didn't need to worry about upsetting him etc..he settled down so well anyone would think he been here for years.


Such a character already, sure he going to be a barrel of fun :)


Will keep you updated as to his progress.

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I am so pleased you have Ash home with you now! He is one beautiful looking baby, you must be so proud!


Check out the posts in the Nursery room if you need any help or advice, but looking at your past experience with greys I can see you are going to be a fantastic parront to this new baby and could probably share your past experiences with us!


Make sure we get updates and lots of pictures! Please feel free to post one in the Nursery room, we love to keep an album of our grey babies in there.


I cant wait to see and hear more about Ash, keep us posted!


BTW, that made me laugh! Love the signature!


Caroline.<br><br>Post edited by: casper, at: 2008/11/12 22:23

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Well this morning was fun :blink:


Was ready & waiting to come out this morning after taking cover off cage, was very chirpy and muttering to himself, then he decided that no way on earth was he going to let me weigh him hehe. Now I did try to just place on the scales and he was having none of it. I had though about a small pet carry but didnt want to 'upset' him by having to put him in every day...


Then he thought he would take his first flight and promptly had a nice soft landing in mums bowl of pot pourri (gladly not scented).


So...any ideas/tips on best way to weigh him each morning?


So any ideas

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So glad Ash is home with you.Great photo.Charlie just gets on his scales when I say "lets see if your a fat man" He has never objected.Try setting him on the scales with a treat in your hand to keep him occupied for a few seconds. Dont forget to give the treat as a reward for getting weighed.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2008/11/13 21:11

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To be honest I'm suprised at how well he has settled in.


Already understanding his step up and have already started toilet training him also, though this one having mixed results at moment hehe, but know it just takes time and patience.


He even now no longer getting upset if i get a few feet away from too so thats also pleasing.


Also pleasing, it would appear he has been fully fledged etc, while not exactly graceful or strong at the moment he certainly knows how to fly and has already demenstrated his confidence etc in flying from back of chair to me (about 3 feet) so overall I'm a very happy person and hope that he continues to progress at his current rate. At this moment in time (hmmm maybe the calm before the storm? lol) I feel I'vemanaged to get a well rounded bird :)


And yes have more pics taken but still on camera at moment...will get them up over weekend as unfortunatly have a date at the new BMW dealer for the new 7 series launch tonight which I cant get out of..so hopefully mum can keep him company etc :)


And once again, thanks for all your kind comments :)

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