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Hi guys,


It's me again. I thought it would be fun to see what everyones cage looks like. I'll start. Ceasar's cage has a full spectrum light on top. I made a wire cover system so he couldn't bite through any electrical wires.. Ceasar is hardly in his cage as he spends most of his time on his Tree Play Center.. Here's mind.. I hope you guys post yours..



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We have the "tube" style full spectrum lighting above the cage...this pic was taken a while ago (when we first got the cage) and I have put a lot of toys/chews/etc. in it since...



Also, we've taken that yellow chain out...not sure what those are for...he never really liked it. Maybe I should get a whole new picture...:S

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We have another cage (green cage) with a play area on top. This cage (the white one) is in his room. The green one is in the living room. He's in the white one while I'm at work and is in or on the green one when I get home...although, sometimes he wants to stay in the white one. We didn't put a play area on top of the white one because of the lights and cords...


He has two other perches...they're portable...one is made with a Christmas tree stand and one is made with a TV dinner tray...


You said "look at all the toys..."...lol that's nothing compared to what he has now...our house looks like a parrot store or something.


Have you ever used the plastic chains?? Well, not you, but your bird... ;) Harrison didn't ever warm up to it.

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HeatherStrella wrote:


Have you ever used the plastic chains?? Well, not you, but your bird... ;) Harrison didn't ever warm up to it.


Not yet.. but I will at some point I am sure.. Ceasar loves wooden toys so he can tear them up.. I got him a toy one day and it was destroyed the next.. Now in addition to toys I buy I also make my own toys for him.

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well, he thinks he's better than us! cats no problem. truthfully I was concerned (cautious maybe) but the novrlty has worn off (a month maybe). Now we'll actually find him wondering down the hall (while vacuuming, etc) with the cats trailing. a few are still curious (want to play actually), but no problems to report :)

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You can make those big plastic chains into fun toys if you have time. You can tie toy parts onto the links with leather or rope or quick links. I think bells are a fun thing to put on. My grey loves them. Then hang the chain somewhere inside the cage.

tikileahsmom<br><br>Post edited by: tikileahsmom, at: 2007/05/11 05:49

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Guest Monique

Wow! What kind of fish are those?


I had to send your cat/bird picture to my hubby at work. We have two persian cats (you can see in my avatar) and they are the L-a-z-i-e-s-t cats you can ever imagine. But my husband is always worried they'll hurt the birds. If he had four of them staring at one of our fids like that I think he'd have a heart attack!!!

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thanks, it's kinda high-tech. well to be honest, It's empty at the moment. Since it wasn't drilled I had real issues controlling the water quality. pH would crash and the fish would go suicidal etc,. SO.....to make a long story longer, I tore it down and had it drilled last week. I hope to have it up this weekend. Live planted tanks are tough to manage.

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