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Found A Way!

Guest smokey

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So a week or two ago i posted my situation on being able to keep my bird and how it wa s difficult at the time. WELL i found a secound job and an apartment with my brother and sister who don't charge a $1,000 dollar deposit on caged animal. SO SMOKEY WAS ABLE TO COME WITH ME, after all the stressing on what to do... what to do. It all worked out! Just thought i'd let everyone know since you've taking the time to read and repond with suggection on how to keep him. Thanks Again Everyone for Advice! Smokey no lives with me in my new place happier then ever, and he's meet a 3yr old femlae grey named Ruby, in the same complex just downstairs and they spend time with one another trying to figure eachother out, so he's made a sfriend which was a big surprise because who would of guess'd i could bring him along when i moved let alone some one elese have abother grey in the same apartment complex, who's owbner are to willing to partcipate in such activities with starngers as we are very new to the area. THANKS AGANI AND HAVE A GOOD DAY.

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Daniel, I've been thinking and worrying about you and now to hear that things have worked out for you and Smokey, I couldn't be happier for both of you. To have found a 2nd job, a friend for Smokey and to be with your brother and sister how fantastic!!! Please keep in touch with us and let us know how things are going. If you get a chance and have pictures you would like to share we would luv to see them. Take care of yourself and Smokey. Bless you both.

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That is so good I'm so glad and I'm sure Smokey couldn't be happier that you are now with him full time I'm sure the second job takes you away allot of the time but its still better that he's with you than at your moms. least this way he can spend some time everyday with you and thats the most important thing. I couldn't be happier that everything worked out so well good for you.

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