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Home For 10 Days Now


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George has now been home for 10 days now and at first thought things were going ok I mist him every morning and he hates it but seems to tolerate it..He is feeding (mostly seed, but its got lots of fruit nuts chillies etc in it ) I always put different foods in for him but he ignores them. He will eat anything we give him very nicely no lungeing or biting but after coming out his cage first two days he has now decided thats where he will stay !

No amount of coxing will persuade him otherwise.I have stopped giving him treats in his cage .I serve him up a meal every night with us and its so funny cause he watches us eat it and really wants it but just sits looking at us .He will let me in his cage and never attempts to bite me I can get within an inch of him before he panics a bit.I have put food in his doorway and he decided to come and get it quick and not come any further ! Has any one advice as to my next move ? am i going to fast or pushing it to much ? Hope this is not to long a post ?

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I was just saying to gourdlady247, that based on my own experiences, changing a grey's behavior takes months (and possibly years in extreme cases). So, don't expect too much from him too soon. Just be patient and keep working toward your goals.


Now obviously, if he refuses to go back into his cage at night, that's a safety issue that you have no choice but to deal with now. Just don't let it turn into a case of him flying around the house with the family chasing after him. That scenario never has a positive outcome.


You could try not feeding him outside of the cage for the few hours just before bedtime. Make sure he knows that there is food in his cage and he just might let you place him inside, once the desire for sustenance takes over.

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I wouldn't mist him every day. He doesn't need it. Once a week is enough. I know others do it a lot, but my greys hate it, and I don't force it . They take their own baths when they feel the need, or if I see them getting dusty, or starting to itch, I will mist them.


You have only had him home 10 days, it's too soon to expect anything other than him trying to adjust to his new cage,house, family, toys, etc. Just let him take the lead. Once he feels more comfortable and somewhat trusting, he will respond to you better. But it sounds like he's quickly on his way already!

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Three word are top of the parrot dictionary, they are. Patience, patiance and patiance.Just let George be himself for a bit. Keep tempting him but dont push the issue . He will join in when he is ready.If you are feeding him treats by hand this is a great way to earn his trust.Just mist him a couple of times a week if he is not too keen on the idea.

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The others have said it all very well, patience, time and lots of love will overcome all these things.


It sounds like you are doing a great job and George is slowly accepting you more and reducing his bubble of fear day by day. He is making progress, just at his own pace. :-)

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Hang in there. If you can, spend an hour or so with him every day just talking softly to him -- hold a toy in your hand and try to hide it and make pretend it is great fun and he can't have it. Eventually he will be very curious and will want to see what it is. He is telling you that it is all a bit overwhelming right now. I wouldn't refuse him treats, but maybe just his favorite one -- try holding the treat just beyond where he can reach it and see if he will step up for you for the treat. Put one hand out in front for him to step up and hold the treat with the other.


I'm sure he'll come around in a bit - after all, he has you for his mommy!

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