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The Members Photography Thread Part 1

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Melissa, Yo shouldn't have to increase th exposure when using that flash. Only when you are doing natural light shots. You are in the correct mode.


I want you to increase the exposure compensation +5. I noticed that your bounce flash shots have been slightly under exposed. This adjustment should help alot.

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It's amazing to watch your photos change. You are fine tuning your bounce flash techniques but wonderfully. See how the increase of exposure compensation makes the photos look so much better.. They are starting to take on that smooth look of bounce flash... I think you are just about there.. tweak up the exposure another .5 and see what the results are.


In the future, you can use the amount of your exposure compensation as a guide to start with.. I think you clearly understand its' effects..


If you have any questions on this subject don't hesitate to ask me.. I am here for you..


There is one more thing you want to look into for your flash...




I want you to tell MOM.. You need to have this.. OK.. tell her it's very important and is considered a must have for all flash photography that used external flash heads..


Good luck Kiddo...<br><br>Post edited by: CeasarsDad, at: 2007/05/20 18:55

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awww :blush: thank you CD.


And thank you MOM!!! {Love-0002011D}


Alright...so lets say that once I get it, what does it do? I'm guessing it directs or filters the light so it isnt as harsh, or something like that?



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How many times were you somewhere and saw an photographic opportunity and you didn't have your camera with you. This must happen countless times. I know it happens to me all the time that's for sure..


Today was an example of when it DIDN'T happen.. This morning Anna and I decided that we were gonna walk instead of doing our usual run.. So, because we were walking I figured I could bring my camera and take advantage of the nice morning light.. Remember, that's the best time for photography.. Anyway, Anna thought i should leave the camera in the hotel room and ALMOST convinced me to leave it.. Then I said, heck with it.. I'm taking it..


It's a good thing I brought it.. Because I had ONE SHOT.. half a second to take.. and I hit... Look what I caught by the pool today....




This shot is literally milli seconds before he flew away..




Notice how nice the low morning light is on this beauty... Also notice a large aperture was used to blur the pool that's in the background. A small aperture would have made this shot useless.. TalonSis, are you listening kiddo?


So, remember, if you're not gonna take your camera with you, you are NOT gonna be able to get the shots that just appear out of nowhere.. Enjoy...<br><br>Post edited by: CeasarsDad, at: 2007/05/22 03:11

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Hi Meghan.. I don't think we have spoken yet.. How are you? I see that you are new here.. Welcome to the forum and more importanly welcome to the Photography Thread.


I really appreciate your comments. THANK YOU... You are so kind to take a second of you day to write to me.. If you have any questions about how you can take a better photo feel free to ask.. I don't bite.. ask the others around here.. They will tell you.. B) :P<br><br>Post edited by: CeasarsDad, at: 2007/05/22 04:22

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Guest briansmum

i took a few pics. they're not very good i'm certainly not photographer, but i though't i'd share them





this i Brians new play gym




this one i'm quite proud of



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CeasarsDad wrote:

How many times were you somewhere and saw an photographic opportunity and you didn't have your camera with you. This must happen countless times. I know it happens to me all the time that's for sure..


Today was an example of when it DIDN'T happen.. This morning Anna and I decided that we were gonna walk instead of doing our usual run.. So, because we were walking I figured I could bring my camera and take advantage of the nice morning light.. Remember, that's the best time for photography.. Anyway, Anna thought i should leave the camera in the hotel room and ALMOST convinced me to leave it.. Then I said, heck with it.. I'm taking it..


It's a good thing I brought it.. Because I had ONE SHOT.. half a second to take.. and I hit... Look what I caught by the pool today....




This shot is literally milli seconds before he flew away..




Notice how nice the low morning light is on this beauty... Also notice a large aperture was used to blur the pool that's in the background. A small aperture would have made this shot useless.. TalonSis, are you listening kiddo?


So, remember, if you're not gonna take your camera with you, you are NOT gonna be able to get the shots that just appear out of nowhere.. Enjoy...<br><br>Post edited by: CeasarsDad, at: 2007/05/22 03:11


I really must admit: these photos are of the most magnificent photos I've ever seen:


Chapeau, CeasarsDad {Feel-good-000200BB}


simply, a-b-s-o-l-u-t-e-l-y BEAUTIFUL!

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I really must admit: these photos are of the most magnificent photos I've ever seen:


Chapeau, CeasarsDad {Feel-good-000200BB}


simply, a-b-s-o-l-u-t-e-l-y BEAUTIFUL!


FairY. Thanks for the compliment. It seems to me that my best shots are shots that just appear out of nowhere. I never expected to see that bird where I saw it.. But I did have my camera and I was able to get off two (in focus and properly exposed)shots in the span of just about 5 seconds.. I'm a happy camper.<br><br>Post edited by: CeasarsDad, at: 2007/05/22 22:19

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While I was in Hawaii I kept seeing these birds. I was never able to get a really good shot of them because I never had my zoom lens on when I did see them.. This day I had the zoom so here goes..




Does anyone know what kind of bird this is?


Anyway, using a zoom lens can really make a difference in your photography. The lens that caught this bird is a 70-200mm . This size zoom I consider to be the perfect lense..


Good luck and good shooting.<br><br>Post edited by: CeasarsDad, at: 2007/05/25 21:36

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