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The Members Photography Thread Part 1

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Seeing them together I can see that Micky can get scared of yr grey (he looks much more imposant to me :blush: )


Is this the photo cheating perspective?


Great photos tho, Karla - real cute {Love-0002011E}

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hey guys{Feel-bad-0002006A}


I rather took the pics off because i dont want people to think i dont care for Tequila!! I truly love her dearly and I wouldnt put her in a sittuation where i think she could be in danger!!


Enjoynyour day/night

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Pity, I don't think you don't care for Tequila at all. Why should I? You love her, and to who do we care most? To the ones we love, right? ;)

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Sorry you felt you had to take the pictures down. I think we were just afraid, like CD said, one scratch to your bird can be fatal to Tequila. Cats can a emit a poison in their claws and saliva. That's why one bite or scratch is so deadly to birds and rodents.

It is scarey for some of us that do have cats that eat birds the size of our greys to see. I know for me, it is one of my biggest fears with our cats. But please don't be offended, we know you love Tequila just as much as we all love our birds! :)

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TalonSis wrote:

CD....look at this. I am in shock at how good it looks. :P






Karla, all of us can tell you care about Tequila very much. {Love-0002011E}




Hey there.. Boy.. Soon you are gonna be taking better pictures then me.. Maybe I should stop giving you help... :P Just kidding of course..


Is this done with the Lumiquest? I think so... See what "indirect" flash really can look like.. Look at the texture in this feathers.. Look at the white areas around Talon's eye is perfectly exposed. No hot spots.. You NAILED this one.. I am so proud of you Melissa.. I can't begin to tell you here... I love you KIDDO

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Here is one of Roxy waving, I'm also using it as m profile pic. Not as good as the others though, but I took it with my cellphone, will get the digital camera from my fiance this weekend. Roxy_wave.jpg


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Hello all! I'm new to Grey forums and this is my baby Grey! He/she is about 6 weeks old and is likely to come home in around 2 months I'm told. I will give it a name once a gender test has been done but if its a boy, it will be Mirek. Havn't decided on a name if it's a girl.. I liked April but my cockatiel hen got that name!


The breeder is Exotic Wings in St. Clements, Ontario, Canada. Great people in a small town family shop, they have more birds in their store than several aviaries put together.







Thanks everyone!


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Hi CD, we get those birds here in South-Africa too. You should here how well they talk, my aunt once had one. Whenever you put a stick in the cage with him he would should loud and clear "HELP HELP HELP". They are called Indian Miners. Very intellegent.

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Ice wrote:

Hi CD, we get those birds here in South-Africa too. You should here how well they talk, my aunt once had one. Whenever you put a stick in the cage with him he would should loud and clear "HELP HELP HELP". They are called Indian Miners. Very intellegent.


Wow Ice.. that's interesting.. Yes Mynar birds are great talkers.. Not like the Greys in that Greys will use words in context...

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