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What a morning-story


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---first I want to remind of the relationship of my dog and my fid due my handicap. I trust my dog with a lot in my life.---


This morning me and Sadie heard a bump in the kitchen from the bedroom but we thought maybe something hit the house. It was time to get up so I went to the bathroom and Sadie came with. We heard the bump again and told her to go look so she went running off to see what the noise was. I heard no barking from her so I continue to get ready.


Here is the funny part...


All of sudden I hear Rexxy's little barking that he does and I look down .... I see Rexxy getting pushed in the butt gently by Sadie into the bathroom. :huh:


I was in shock that 1. Rexxy was out of his cage and 2. Sadie help get him through the house to where I was.


It ended up the door was locked but was not locked to the cage. A mistake my husband feels really bad about. But I am so glad the Sadie did her job to help Rexxy. I would not have gone down to the kitchen for another 45 mins.


---Sweet<br><br>Post edited by: SweetFX, at: 2008/11/11 07:25

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What a blessing Rexxy is for you. I loved your story.


On a reverse note, on a local Washington State noon news program it was reported that a parrot (kind not said) saved a toddler. The parents were not home and the babysitter was in the bathroom when she heard the family parrot screaming "Mama, baby" "Mama, baby" She rushed into the living room and found the toddler choking on a pop tart. The babysitter was able to do the Hemlich Maneuver and save the choking child. Just another reminder about how smart and intelligent parrots really are.

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Thanks everyone. Sadie got lots of hugs and kisses for her actions and some treats...which included getting to finish Rexxy's oatmeal he didnt finish. She loves it. Sadie surprises me time and time again. I think Rexxy is learning this too..I hope. When I am in a Flare up he just stays on his tree and Sadie lays againest me.


I am happy that my 2 animals have turned out right in my life. I really need them.


I cant wait to get Sadie her safty helping vest. People will be shock seeing her in a store. B)

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