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personally I make it every morning with pellets mixed in cause hes fighting me on eating them:P I give him scrabbled eggs once a week. These morning meals are where I get his palm oil in:)


he gets so excited about his warm meals he sings the whole time he eats I love it.

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Indy had oatmeal everyday for breakfast and I put bananas in it or crushed pelletes or honey. Whatever you want really.


Indy really enjoys it first thing in the morning and starts to scramble in her cage as soon as she hears the kettle.

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""The palm oil has a high anti oxident value & is an excellant source of beta carotenes which is converted in to vitamin A. It can improve feather condition, allowing new feathers to grow in strong & glossy, it also has been suggested that it aids some greys to decrease the need to pluck. It aids in breeding, and generally promotes overall good health.""


I too feed oatmeal almost every day with the palm oil in it and you can add other things to it, I don't have to add pellets for Josey eats them fine just like they are.

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I get mine from Swanson too. I get about 5 or 6 jars at a time. I've been buying from them for about 6 yrs. It's very inexpensive, delivery is quick and the other extra thing is that you will periodically get catalogs with pictures of every single vitamin/health products you can imagine. It's great in case you're into vitamins and other health products. All that stuff is also inexpensive.

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you guys must have read my mind. Cause I was looking for Palm Oil at the grocery store tonight. Couldn't find. Doug said well you know who to ask where everyone else gets it. Yep my new grey friends. If it weren't for you guys George would probably be in bad shape.



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