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this is off topic. i have a cockateil who is about 2 yrs old. when i took himout of his cage i noticed a little pile of blood on the bedding. when i looked under one of his wings i noticed some dried up blood. (my nightlight i keep on them died last night-- and he must of had a night thrash) anyway he is not bleeding anymore. it doesnt look like he broke any blood feathers.. but on of the feathers under his wing.. the shaft is filled with blood (like in the inside) does it have to be removed even though hes not bleeding?????

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Tiel's flight wings are very long and slender and the blood shaft is thin. Since you see an unusual amount of blood in one area only, clotting probably occured.Tommorow, if your bird will allow you to hold him, take 2 pieces of tissue or 1 napkin, put cold water on it and very gently wipe off the area where you see the blood. If the feather looks broken, it would be best to have it removed ( if it is a flight feather). Tonight, if your tiel is a frequent flapper, remove anything in the cage that might hit the feather if he flaps. Check it tomorrow. If you don't see any new accummulation of blood in that area it won't have to be removed. Keep all of those extra items out of the cage for 2 days just so that you can observe the feather/wing. have some blood stopper or talcom powder nearby. If the bleeding starts again, put the blood stopper on with a Q-tip and hold it there for 2 min.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2008/11/11 04:21

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Well then, just check the area a few times tommorow and look for any changes. The blood you see won't go away though. It'll stay there, dry up and get darker the same way a scab gets darker and is ready to fall off.. Wet the area and eventually the blood stain will fade away.

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