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I need help with Time Management!


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How the heck do you all find the time to MAKE bird toys. Every time I attempt to make something, my 2 are all over stealing from me or messing with everything before I get a chance to do it!

I need your advice...do I have to wait until they are in bed like little children?????:angry: :angry:

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I usually encourage my birds to play with the things I am using .I have a big box that I keep my supplies in , the minute they see it on the bar area , they are on the spot , they will even climb in and get stuff out .It's like Christmas morning , I love it .You might try doing it when they are asleep , if you prefer

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Penny, I like Mary's idea of letting your fids check out your supplies, that way you can see what they like or dislike. Also,that way when the toy is finally made they might recognize the makings and enjoy it more. I would of course make the toys when they are in their cages at bedtime if they are being pesky. Look forward to seeing these great toys, Penny.:silly:

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My birds love to watch me Make new toys for them alot of the stull I use is stuff from old toy parts that didn't get destroyed the first time around they get so excited and can hardly wait to get their beaks on it Some thing like drilling holes and sawing wood I have to do Out side so that most of the stuff that is done inside is bird safe so I just let the investegate if they want to

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