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So Indi is an extremely smart little guy as I'm quickly finding out! Because of this he is constantly getting bored with the armory of toys I have and I'm finding my self swiftly running out of ideas. Does anyone have any 'super toy!' ideas? I've given him the foraging toy, the ropes, the blocks, foot toys, Kong balls, shreddables everything! He doesn't seem interested in phone books and other shredders like woody does, but he did like to hold stuff with his feet and chew on it.


Any ideas? Something that can keep him busy for a while, but not be so 'challenging' or such that it will be hopeless?



I hope I make sense...




-Amberly and the zoo

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I know you say he doesn't care as much about shredding, but Tobie's best and least expensive toy is his little plastic holder for adding machine paper. He never has tired of finding ways to use the paper. You buy the plane paper, not the lazer kind and use the holder to punch the plastic out of the roll and then insert the roll. It lasts longer if you cram paper between the holder and the roll to keep it from unrolling too easily. Because I love to show off my bird I'll post a video showing one of his uses for the paper. If you guys get tired of my videos just say so and I'll quit showing them off. Also you'll see that he loves his wooden blocks cut from 2"x2" untreated pine which I drill holes in.

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Charlie just loves his jukebox toy.It is an acrylic triangle that has a disk inside that plays a tune when he presses a button on the toy. You can get different tunes to put in . He also loves to chew up an old paperback book .

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She, I also got Charlie and Keeko the Jukebox toy, it plays the Beachboys! Its a really good toy and I have seen a few variations with different buttons making different tunes and sounds. Maybe this might be for Indi to try? He may even sing along;)

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I just accidentally discovered that if I put a wadded up bunch of tissue paper on top of Klaus' cage, he will stay quite occupied for a while shredding at it until it's finally all down. I was cleaning and threw it up there for later when Klaus would be coming out. Klaus started the party early and starting playing with it from inside. It's fun because while he's still in the shredding process, streamers of it hang down from the top of the cage. Looks kinda festive!

Also, don't fret too much if your bird seems bored. Remember, they need some quiet time and even little birdie naps throughout the day...

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How about hanging his vegetables in his cage, make him work for some of his food. Treats in wads of paper, or paper rolls that he has to work to get at. Nothing dramatic just a treasure hunt for his treats or some hand foods, carrots, green beans, the like. If he has a reward at the end, it might be more stimulating for him. Good luck!!!

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I love your vid of your birds eating habits how cute he likes to make his own foraging toys Tyco does the same sort of thing only she rips and shreads up a whole buch of news paper and the throws he food into the pile of paper. the she spends the next hour or so looking for it an eating it. Its very funny to watch.

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Those are some good ideas, and the video's were so cute! I stopped by the dollar store last night and got some cloths pins, colored tongue depressors, toothbrush holders and toothbrushes and some pine cones - I strung them all up, so lets see how he works with that! :laugh:

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Hey Amberly, have you seen the book "Parrot-Toys and Play-Areas" by Carol S. D'Arezzo and Lauren Shannon-Nunn? I'm pretty new at do-it-yourself toy-and-stand-making, but I since I'll soon be a two-bird household I figure I'm going to need to come up to speed quick-like, and I am finding this book has a wealth of practical suggestions. Am also learning that what Maxi liked last week is boring this week. (She has finally discovered the joys of chewing wood, for example - all of a sudden! so : whole new tack on toys this week.) This is a good thread, BTW - thanks for starting it!:)

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One of Schroeders favorites: take 3 straws and cut them in thirds so you have 9 bitty straws. Fasten them tightly in the center with a zip tie so they fan out in a ball like way. Cram some food items (seeds, pellets and dried fruit bits) in some of the straws. The toy servs as a foraging toy AND something that is easy to destroy. The bendy straws make cool noises when they pull on the bendy bits.

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No Problem :) You can also take a toilet paper tube with a tiny bit of TP on it and bend the ends inwards and hide a favorite toy or treat in those too. Schroeder loves making messes for me to clean up and gets very proud when he has left lots of bits of TP all over the floor, flapped his wings so they go EVERYWHERE and commenced to poo on a few key bits. I have also found that the best way to shut him up when im on the phone is to crush a cheerio and put it in my hair. he will sit up there and quietly preen the treats out, it feels like a scalp massage and shuts him up. When you're finished, you can flip your head over and shake out any bits your fid missed (if any at all). Of course, this might not be a good idea if you use a lot of styling products.

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