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I need some advice. My timneh in just 5 months old, we've only had her a month. We frequently travel to Florida which is about an 8-10 hour car trip depending on where we go. Our little green cheek has been our constant travel companion, she loves a car ride to anywhere! We will be traveling over the holidays & don't know whether to bring the grey or make sitting arrangements. I could have my daughter sleep here but she is gone from noon-9PM. I think we can manage 2 birds on the road just fine but will this be upsetting to her? We plan on being gone about 5 days. I could take her to a friends home but of course she would not know them. She has been a doll baby & I hate to upset her in any way. I've taken her on short car rides to see how she reacts & she seems fine. I also have her cage outdoors for 2 hours everyday so she knows about the world outside somewhat. I read somewhere about not changing their environment for the first year...help!

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I take four at a time when I travel and they love it. They enjoy getting away from home as much as I do. I think it's a vacation for them as well.


I started hitting the road with mine when they were 4 months old, so from my personal experience, I don't see why changing the environment within the first year is an issue. I think it's a benefit to introduce them to change early in life. Of course, if you have a grey that's very high strung and stresses over the ride, then a road trip at any age could be an issue. That doesn't sound like the grey you're describing.


If at all possible and safe, give them plenty of out of the cage time at your destination. If it's a place you frequent often, such as a family member's home, they'll recognize it on repeat trips and should feel right at home.


Since I travel so often with mine, I've been working on a new article about road trips with our fids. I was working on it last night even, but you've beat me to the punch. It sounds like you've had plenty of experience with your green cheek, but if you have any specific questions, feel free to PM me.

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At this point it would be better to keep the grey with you as the first year is critical for you to be in your grey's life every day, this is when the real bonding goes on.


Since you know she handles short trips just fine I don't see a problem with longer trips, just provide her with some food, water and a couple of toys to occupy her mind and keep her busy.


I have taken my grey with me for weekend trips by car that are 4 hours long and she does just fine, I have even taken the conure with me, but the grey needs not to be separated from you for any length of time that first year if you can manage it so if you have a travel cage she can ride in take her along.


Its not so much the changing of their environment as it is maintaining a constant day to day presence with your grey in that first year to form the bond so they know they can count on you.


Be sure to let us know how it goes but I am betting she will be just fine with it.

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Kaedyn and Judy have given great advice.


I agree that exposing them to as much as possible while they are young is the best practice and never heard you should not take them out from their home the first year.


One thing you can be certain of, your Grey would rather be with you and the flock, rather than left behind. :-)

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Kaedyn wrote:

Since I travel so often with mine, I've been working on a new article about road trips with our fids.


That will be a great article many will benefit from, with your vast experience in doing this with your fids.


Karma to you. :-)

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We take ours with us and we have since we got them when they were only a few weeks old. We travel 5 hours and then have a break and then drive another 3 hours. The one thing we try to do it during the day as they seem to get really restless when it is dark with all the lights flashing. They are also so tired when we finally get there as I can see that they are tired from hanging on for all that time, so make sure your perches are suitable.


Our female has one food on the horizontal perch and one foot on the vertical perch and she is right at the front of the cage looking out between the front seats. When she tries to rest she then also grabs the bars with her beak for extra support.

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Since Nikki has been taking short car trips and seems to like them and you have experience taking a bird on long trips, your green cheek, sounds like everyone will have a great adventure from Georgia to Florida. Enjoy you trip with your flock!!!:silly:



And Jim and I think we can all benefit for your traveling article so type away!!<br><br>Post edited by: luvparrots, at: 2008/11/09 19:06

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Thank all of you for responding. I am certainly glad to hear everyone is in agreement. I'll plan on taking them both when we go, I'm anxious to show her off anyway! We'll travel during the day. I have noticed my green cheek is upset being out after dark, we'll try to avoid that. Beth

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