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hey everyone


so far i have kept vince away from mirrors. how do your greys interact with them? not the bird toy kind, the bathroom brush your hair in kind. having a budgie i know birds get confused and can fly into them. however, with greys being so clever, if i show vince the mirror will he understand not to fly into it? or is it just one of those 'bird' things? :S


my reason for asking is because ive got a stand so he can shower in the bathroom, if i can get him to use it! to get to the bathroom tho we have to pass two mirrors, lol. i dont want him hurting himself!


thanks guys!

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I showed Nicky a mirror once and he was fascinated. He chirped at the reflection and then tried to touch it with his beak, and wound up licking the glass. I don't think he recognized it as himself...


That said, the first time he encountered a glass pane (the door of one of my bookcases) he tried to reach right through it to grab the books, and bumped himself :lol: But after I opened and closed the door a bit, waggled my fingers at him through it, tapped it etc, he seemed to realize that it was solid. These days he doesn't lick the goldfish tank any more :silly:


Nicky hasn't yet figured out that the other grey in the mirror is him, but I've been showing him how it reflects other things besides himself...he should get the idea eventually B)

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I made the mistake of using the bathroom mirror to try teach Misty my name. Because we live on our own he does not often hear people call me by name. I am reasonably sure he knows his own name is Misty or at least he knows that's what humans including me call him. He picked up the cats name and tends to remember the names of friends he is introduced to quite quickly.

So I figured that if we stood before the mirror and I point to him and his reflection and say "you're Misty" and then point to myself and my reflection and say "Steve"

he would get the message.

Of course that is not how it worked out. We ended up having arguments over who is called what with him saying "You're Misty" so I reply no "I'm Steve .. you're Misty" and Misty then replies "I'm Steve .. you're Misty". We end up arguing round in circles!


so now I seem to have lost my identity to my parrot and I seem to be finding feathers growing out of my clothing !!



I can't imagine where I went wrong !



Steve n Misty<br><br>Post edited by: Mistyparrot, at: 2008/11/09 16:26

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LOL Steve - Thanks for the morning laugh, I would love to see that mirror conversation on video. :-)


My Grey does not seem to like his anti-dayo in the mirror. ;-) He jsut snubs him and acts like he's not the last bit interested. He does however know what mirrors are and where they are all located. Greys are smart and pick up on that pretty quick once you have introduced them to all of the mirrors.


They learn the same with windows as well. Dayo will fly over, stop and hover looking out our patio door to us when we go outside.

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I'd say DanMcQ has stated it exactly as far as my crew goes. They are very smart, so they understand that the mirror exists as an obstacle. They're also very conflicted when it comes to the mirror and whats on the "other side". It might be so simple as they think it's just another window with some very similar looking animals looking back at them.


They sit on their portable perches in the bathroom all the time, just a few feet from the mirror and they've never once attempted to fly through it. If I place them near the mirror, Rigel just plays a little beak-jousting with the higly skilled parrot on the other side, that always seems to anticipate his next move! Sierra on the other hand, curls her head down and starts making coo-ing noises. I guess she's in love? Is that narcissism? :P<br><br>Post edited by: Kaedyn, at: 2008/11/18 05:14

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I haven't found my 2 greys to be bothered by mirrors at all. In fact, I had one installed in a spot not to be mentioned.........;) and when Talon first saw it, she looked up at it sideways for a short time, looking at herself as I talked to her, didn't seem to care, just looked around at everything else she saw in it, and then continued doing her thing. She does see herself in it a lot, but she looks, and then moves on to attacking whatever else she's interested in.

My other grey has yet to notice it. But she doesn't seem bothered by mirrors at all.

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