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Hey I wanted to let everyone know I think George is finally getting used to things around here. He has been talking his head off the past few days, Expecially tonight. I was almost glad when it was our bed time.

He even went to the bottom of the cage and scratched around like a chicken. It was funny our Pom (lady) and George was almost nose to nose and was just looking at each other. I was waiting for George to give her a nip on the nose, but they just looked at each other.

I do think he perfers my husband more than me. But that's ok. I just keep reminding not to bite the hand that feeds.

Thanks for all the advice, it's paying off

I did get a humidifier today. Hoping that it help with his pulling feather from under his wing. We can't find a vet that we can get into yet. But still looking. May have to go out of state.

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I am glad he's warming up to your family and keep up the good work. Hopefully soon you can handle him without the bites and im sorry your having trouble finding a vet i had/have the same problem found one but they turned up being not great so i have to look further now.

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It's good to hear of the progress George has made in settling into his new home and flock. It sounds like he is a little more comfortable and letting his hair down in front of you to see. The humidifier should help, along with regular mistings of Aloe Juice.


Thanks for the update. :-)

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I think it sounds like you have made GREAT progress with George, considering his history! SO glad to hear he is starting to feel more relaxed, and bonding to one of you already. Who knows what time and patience will do with this little fella - keep up the good work!

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Thats great to hear Marla that George is settling into his new home and doing some talking, he is getting comfortable if he is doing that. He may prefer your husband as his favorite but you can still have a good relationship with him, just different.


Thanks for the update on George, we love hearing how a new addition to the family is doing and adjusting, you are doing a wonderful job with him.;) B)

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You just wait Marla, George will come around, I think you were probably more anxious than your husband and George could sense that. So relax and I know you and George will be the best of friends. I'm so happy about the progress George is making!! It was a grand thing you did bringing him home and you will be rewarded by him you just wait.

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He played at the bottom of his cage with me for about an hour or more tonight. My son had bought him a small wooden helicopter he found at Micheals craft store. He threw that thing all over the cage. Then he attacked the paper towel roll he dropped down there. I bought some little paper boxes with lids and put his treats in them. He liked those too. Then he has a half a coconut shell that he pushed around. I loved watching and playing as much as i could ... yeah he still lunged at me and tried to bite but I would just softly tell him no and he would go back to his toys. I'm excited as hell. I'Ve almost (not quite) but almost decided I don't care if he ever lets he hold him or anything as long as we can have fun like tonight.:laugh: {Feel-good-00020114}

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Good for you Marla. Just relax and let George come to you. Remember, they want what they can't have. Have his cage open, talk to him, eat something in front of him you know he likes but don't give it to him; make him come to you, if he doesn't come, eat the whole thing and enjoy it. Really enjoy it-- be animated about it. He'll come around. Just relax and become his friend don't try to force anything. Have fun!!!

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That so great it Sounds to me like George is just loveing his new home and flock. He will come around don't you worry My daughter and I both work with Tyco she teaches her games and gives her treats. And I do everything else. I can handle Tyco now and she allows me to give her Scritches. My daughter can rub her beak and such and I'm sure Tyco would allow her to give her a scritch but my daughters to leary to try she's not afraid just a bit leary of the beak. I'm sure George will be the same way he may pick your husband as his favorite person but he will allow you to be apart of his flock and have some kind of meaningful relationship with him as well. Your doing a wonderful job so far just keep it up and George will respond positively to all you love. I think it wonderful that you are so willing the give this guy the kind of home he deserves.

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I had I think a break throught with George this morning.

{Feel-good-00020114}, I did the Iron Fist with him this morning.He bit at me a few time and relized it wasn't doing any good and I am now playing with the toys in the bottom of the cage with him. I push them with my fist, but he's not lunging at me.

Thanks a bunch Tyco mom for the Iron Fist tip. But he did get my finger when I was trying to give him a safflower seed. (his Favorite). But I didn't react as normal until it felt like he was grinding on it. But I didn't yank back I sat there at first then pulled down and he let go. I hope that was the right thing to do. By the time he let go the blood was running.

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It sounds as if you're making excellent progress! I know the pain can be a hefty deterrent, hence why they bite.


When Rigel discovered the art of biting, I decided to give him all the finger he could stomach. If he bit, I'd make sure my finger was fully immersed into his beak and then pushed back as he clamped down. He learned fairly quickly that I wasn't getting the message (he must assume I'm just not that bright). He also learned that he didn't really like having a beak-full of finger pushing him off balance.


So, I suppose the lesson here is, when George starts an argument, just "give him the finger". :P<br><br>Post edited by: Kaedyn, at: 2008/11/10 18:19

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I know exactly where that is , we go to Tyler State park in the spring to lounge in our RV , usually every year .I love it . We have also stayed at a bed and breakfast place called Bailey's Bunkhouse .Have you ever heard of it ? Wow we are both Texas gals . I will talk to my breeder about an avian vet down that way and get back with you .


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My Breeder suggested Mary Carpino in Temple Texas , she raises Greys and is an Avian Certified Vet. Her # is 254-899-8800. I think she said she met her at a Grey Seminar in Houston last year and said she is very pleasant .I think this is closer than going out of state.Good luck ,


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I think george is starting to show that if he can't get me to leave him alone he might as well go with the flow. I think he like me (KINDA). He has a duck with plastic tube coming in and out of it. Kinda circling the duck. I think he like to play catch with me. I'll hand it to him when he's on top of his cage, and he will toss it to me. I have learned to tell when I think he tired of playing my catch game cause he'll toss it the opposite direction from where I'm at. But I still think his favorite toy is a wooden helicopter. He won't bite me if I have my hand in a fist, but let a stray finger get in there and it's fair game for him. I am able to get my fist less than a inch from his head, and play with him but if I put my hand in there with my open hand he runs and climbs the sides of the cage.

Any suggestion on what my next step on working with him. If I try to get him to step up on a stick he runs, I put a T-Perch in his cage to try and get him used to it. But he won't go near it.

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Are you able to get him away from his cage at all? If so, have you tried taking him to a neutral area, away from "his" stuff? You could both sit on the floor, have a picnic, and play with some toys. See if you can get him interested in the toys and foods by visibly enjoying them yourself. Maybe he'll initiate taking the food from your fingers, instead of you pushing it towards him.

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It sounds as if he's settling in fairly well, but it's just going to take time for him to learn to both trust you and understand that he has to do as you say (at least so far as not biting and stepping up).


Just keep enticing him with positive concepts and intriguing alternatives to just sitting in the cage. Get him involved with the flock. Even if that means sitting on a play perch in a common area of the house. His curiosity will eventually get the best of him.


Based on my own experiences, I think you'll find that changing a grey's behavior, typically happens over the course of several months. You just have to be patient and keep at it.

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You have really come a long way with George already, it hasn't been that long and look what you can do with him now! You really are doing a great job and just keep at it and keep trying. I bet he just loves playing and having someone interact with him.

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