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7ft fall


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Oh my gosh! I am so sorry to hear that. That sounds like a pretty good fall. I hope she is not hurt. Is she acting any differently since this happened? I don't know the answer to this but I'm sure there are other more experienced members that will be able to give you a more knowledgable answer. I just hope she is ok.

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Did she fall onto carpet or a hard floor?


The first thing I would look at is how she's acting, as BaxtersMom has already said. Secondly, I'd attempt to feel her wings, keel bone, and other anatomy looking for any anomalies or painful reactions.


Check for any broken blood feathers. These should be fairly obvious since they tend to bleed readily. If you are not familiar with blood feathers or what to do if you find one bleeding, contact your local avian vet. You can learn how to pull a blood feather yourself, but now wouldn't be the ideal time.


If you see any signs of bleeding from the beak, nostrils, or vent, contact your avian vet immediately, since these would be a sign of internal injury, along with any black tar-like droppings.


Lastly, just continue to watch her behavior over the next few days. Make sure she's eating normally and check her droppings. In all likelihood, she's probably just fine, but if you have any suspicion of a problem, your avian vet is the way to go.<br><br>Post edited by: Kaedyn, at: 2008/11/09 06:16

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def good advice my zuri fell off a top of the door but sure he fluttered to the ground ok, hes clipped but i was scared and checked him over too, him being a congo he weighs more so ive read they do have times when they break bones during a fall so i good once over him is great advice, but in the wild birds fall out of the nests and live so try not to blame yourself if you are.

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Thanks for your replies. It has been 4 hours since my Grey's fall. Koko is not so active as before. She still eats and flies, and her dropping is normal. But she sleeps a lot after the fall. I don't see any external injuries. I hope there is nothing wrong with her.

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Thats a long fall. However, if she tried to flap on the way down, the floor was carpeted and she landed on her feet/belly, it sounds like she is ok from your description of her present state with no bleeding, normal poop and eating.


Just keep a careful eye on her, as I'm sure you will and didn't need to be told that. :-)

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I am so sorry to hear about Koko.

Everyone has given great advice. Please be sure to contact your vet though if you have any doubts at all or Koko seems different in any way.


Please keep this thread updated and let us know how Koko is doing over the next few days. I hope she will be okay.



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