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Timmy is picking.


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Hello Everyone,


I hate to announce that Timmy my TAG is picking and snipping off his feathers on his wings that lay across his back. :(


This started the day after Hurricane Ike went through Ky and Cincinnati Oh area. If anyone has any information on what I can do, please let me know. I have other parrots, but no experience in dealing with feather pluckers. He isn't too bad off right now, ust two bare holes on each side of his back. I just want to try and stop it before it gets any worse.


These were taken last month and he is now 2-3 times worse.




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It looks and sounds like your bird had originally found a couple of irritated spots on the body and decided to pull those feathers out from those spots. If any irritation remains more than likely, the bird will continue to bite into that area. One thing you could try is putting a salve on each spot. The salve will sink right in and get absorbed into the skin. The area becomes less irritated and the bird picks at less. The secret is to continually put the salve on for a while even though you feel that the problem is gone.

The name of the salve is called Aloe Vera Gel. It can be purchased in pharmacies and it's inexpensive. It's also commonly used for other irritations that a bird might get including abrasions, small cuts, dried legs and feet etc. It's not toxic and if any is accidently ingested, there's no problem.


PS--I really can't tell you if the cause was the hurricane. Normally, a parrot will pluck out feathers from many areas when extreme fright or terror occurs



DSCN0113-2.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2008/11/09 01:47

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Thanks Dave. I'll pick some up tomorrow. I have a huge Aloe plant here in the house. Coud I cut a piece of that and use that until I run to the store tomorrow?

You are correct. It is just those two places on the sides that he is picking and snipping off his feathers. I do know I need to get him to stop, before it becomes a bad habit and he continues in other places.


Here's some feathers I found around his cage yesterday while I was cleaning it out. You can tell he snipped of some pieces as well as the whole feather. :(


Dina IMG_1320.jpg


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Yes, if you have an aloe plant, go for it. Just remember to rub it into the abrasions, not just on top of them. Do it once a day The 2 pieces on the top in your pic represent feather chewing. Chewing gives the feather that distinct V edge. You may also need to bathe your bird more than usual. If he doesn't like baths, just mist him trying to soak as much skin as possible. You may need to slightly adjust the nozzle so that the fluid comes out more like a heavy rain as opposed to a thin mist.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2008/11/09 02:12

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