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I am new here as i have recently been given an african grey parrot who i am told is about twenty.

I have been given him by friends because they felt that he was getting fed up with being alone all day and had started screaming.

I am determined to give him the best life possible and so any help or advice appreciated.Oh yes and he is petrified of being handled and he bites.

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Hi Dizzybird, if you go to the top of the page and enter into Forum you will see all kinds of rooms. Go into the Welcome Room that is the best way to be started. There is moving red cube at Post New Topic; enter there and post your introduction. Also in that room there is alots of information on how to enter pictures and the like. Welcome aboard and by the way, what is your new friend's name?

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Hi Poppy,

My name is Isobel and i will need some help with my boy.I am not sure where to start but have got a decent(i think) cage and just done a big order with a company as he has sore feet which i think is from concrete perches and dowels? I also think he has been very bored so got him some toys.

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Welcome Isobel, and I think it is just great of you to take your new friend in.

While you are waiting for all your new treasures, grab a kids book, pull up a pillow and sit on the floor just outside his cage and read to him, let him get to no you. Take things very slow, but talk to him in a very low quiet voice, tell him how wonderful he is and how glad you are to have him. Offer him a little treat of a fresh veg or a piece of fruit, you eat one to with him show him how much you are enjoying it.

At least this would be a start, there are a lot of people that can and will advise you on this little guys feet. I am sure if you PM Dave 007 he has great advise and knowledge, with all our Greys


Good Luck


Carolyn & Mika

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Hello Isobel and welcome to the family, so glad you have decided to join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and this grey of yours.


Its wonderful of you to be able to take in this grey and give it a good home as it needs love and attention and you seem willing to make that committment.


Poor dear probably wasn't taken out of the cage much or handled so you have your work cut out for you but with lots of time and much patience I would imagine he will come around.


You will find lots of useful information in our many threads so read thru them at your leisure and do ask any and all questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


Would you share some pictures of him with us as we would love to see him.


Btw, what is his name?

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Welcome Isobel!!


Thanks for taking in a Grey in need of a caring and loving home that has the time to spend with him. At 20 years old, he is going to be a little set in his ways, but time, love and patience can overcome all.


Looking forward to hearing more of you and how your new Grey is progressing. :-)

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What a wonderful thing to do taking an older grey!

Its never to late to change this greys quality of life and as long as you have time and patience you will get some excellent advice from people here at the forum.

Take things slowly,dont rush things. Remember everything is new to him and he will be feeling really nervous.


The new toys you have bought him, introduce them slowly, play with the toys yourself outside of the cage he may not know how to play this is something you may have to teach him over time once he settles in.


Please keep us updated and dont hesitate to ask any questions.

Just take one day at a time.



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