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bird falling down


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I just brought Annie home 11/06, Her window cage had nothing to climb on. I have a 36 x 24 x 60" cage. Her perch is 2/3's the way up. She keeps falling, of couse she isn't used to climbing. Should I either move the perch closer to the bottom or get another perch closer to the bottom? I have a towel on the bottom to cushion the fall. I have food and water at the upper perch and also on the bottom.

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Yes move the perch lower in the cage and you did right by putting something in the cage to make it softer for her if she does fall. You could also move her food and water bowls lower until she gets more steady with her climbing. This is normal for young greys to be a little clumsy and she will get more adept at climbing as she gets older.

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Hiya David,


Most baby greys are clumsy and we must try to help them by doing a few things in their cages.

Like Judy said, lower the perches, these can be moved up gradually as your grey gets older. If your bowls are high up like mine are, put some additional bowls/dishes either lower down the cage or on the bottom.


You can either remove the grate or like you have done, place a towel on the bottom then cover with paper to catch all the mess.


One of my greys used to sleep on the cage bottom for a couple of weeks when I first brought him home. The other two liked to perch.


More than likely your grey will prefer to sleep on the same perch, just make sure there is nothing underneath she can injure herself on if she should have a fall.


Did she sleep on the water bowl again?












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My breeder Millie has the perch down low for her babies and moves it up as they get more steady with their perching. She also puts toweling in to cushion the fall. So David, you are doing the right thing for your Annie. Sounds like you have been doing your homework and have been reading alot of the many threads in this great forum. Annie is a lucky Fid to have you.:silly: :kiss:

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Baby greys are clumsy. You will do the right thing by lowering her perches and placing a towel on the base to cushion any falls and making food easy available for her.As she gets a bit older she will gain in confidence and you can raise the perch. sheila

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No she slept on the far end of the perch, by the food bowl. She really like the sweet peas. I peled some of them for her and had her eat out of my hand. She is a vey gentle girl. At the store she used to bite me, hard. But since I brought her home she has only nibbled. Knock on wood......

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