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Name That Bird DYH Amazon


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Well it looks like we have an Amazon named Cooper on ther Forum thats a great name I'm sure I will learn it in no time and forget all about that his name was mojo before. I know Fergie doesn't even respond to apple-jack but say Fergie and she right there. I;m going to post another Picture of Fergie being a bad bird and chewing the trim on the ceiling. Please excuse the cobwebs I didn't see them until I saw them in this photo. Leave it to Fergie to show me the things I missed dureing cleaning I wonder when she going to get a white glove.:laugh:


HPIM2916.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2008/11/10 01:55

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We are proud to announce our amazons name is Cooper!{Feel-good-000200BB}


Thanks everyone. I am very pleased!!!



I think he will learn it fast. Cooper is really smart so I think it will go well.


Fergie looks like a little angel up there. Her expression looks like "Hey look what I found up here":) Fergie looks like she is quite pleased with her discovery and herself;)



Well, I have to go tell our new fid his official name is Cooper. :woohoo: I think it's a great name, too. And a special thanks to she (sheila) for suggesting it.


BTW, I found that Cooper means "Barrel Maker" and also considered a fun and playful name. I'm not sure about the barrel maker part but I think he could eat a barrel in no time flat. He loves to chew wood:ohmy: kinda like Fergie up there. :huh:

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So hows Cooper today is he warming up to you husband at all. He still very young so I'm expecting him to come around fairly quickly. they are really pretty social birds once they get to know you but the can get a little cage aggresive so the sooner you get him away from his cage the faster he will warm up to you. I had a Male Blue front he was my only failure when it came to rescues. I totally regret not keeping him and working with him longer but he totaly intimadated me and he knew it he was so beautiful. The girl I gave him to had him sitting on her shoulder and giving him scritches within 2 weeks but he didn't like me and he was so big and that beak of his would constantly draw blood. I tried for a few months with him this was a few years ago> if I knew then what I know now there is no way I would have allowed him to do what he did to me. oh well live and learn this is a picture of Arnie my failure mybad


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Oh, I'm so sorry you and Arnie didn't work out but if he went to someone and was on the shoulder in a couple weeks he went someplace good for him. I wouldn't consider it a failure though. You are an inspiration to me:)


Cooper is doing really well and settling in pretty good. He is going to be a good bird. He isn't scared of us but does not want to be touched at all by hands. He will allow us to pet his beak for a few moments and shows no signs of biting. He has allowed my husband to pet the very top of his head. When I try he lets me but does not look as relaxed as when my husband does it. He will open his beak up but not in an aggressive way. He also makes these little squeaks when we do this which I'm sure is nerves. When we pet his beak he does not back away at all but if we try to pet feathers he starts traveling:) We will take what we can get right now.;)


He is a good eater. He loves his veggies and our dinner scraps that are birdie safe;) Seems all my guys like home cooked meals:pinch: And I don't think he is going to be a picky eater. (hoping)


He loves toys! He is interested in anything we put in his cage. He will practically run to it before I even get something hung properly and start playing right away. He will let us interact with him with toys, too. He's not really scared but doesn't want to be touched. That is where his comfort zone ends.


So our confidence is up. We have only had him just a few days but we wanted to get him out of the cage. We already had to get him out for a wing clip which is working out great by the way. Hopefully we can let them grow back out but it needed it here for his safety if we are going to work with him the way he was acting the other day.


He is always at the cage looking at us and not scared. He is in our dining room and that is the high traffic area and we stop and talk to him all the time. He just sits and looks at us. He has such a friendly face.



It may have been too soon but we did get him out of his cage again yesterday. Of course he will not come willing so I got him by his back and picked him up. It wasn't too bad but I did get bit because of it. It was the only time he has actually tried or shown that he would bite. We put him on a table perch in the living room and talked to him. Tried to feed him treats but he wasn't in the mood for them. He got good and relaxed and showed no signs of panic or stress and he looked pretty content so we let him stay like that for about 20 minutes just talking and petting his beak. Then I tested him on the step up command. He was akward at first but started to get the hang of it pretty good. He had several breaks in between and lots of praise too. We probably did the step up thing for about 7-10 minutes off and on. He is really getting it already. :) I was happy with the results and the only part that looked like he was upset was when I took him out of the cage and I don't blame him for that.


He stepped up the last time and I put him up on top of the playgym but he zoomed back down inside. I thought he would be scared and be back in a corner hiding from us but there he was right in front looking no worse for ware:) Whew!


Later he kept coming out and going back in his cage. Just outside the door for about 5 seconds and back in again. Really fast too like if he was out too long he would turn to stone or something. :laugh: It was fun to watch.


Today we just let him be, gave him some new toys. I put a toy box in his cage with a perch nearby and he just loves it!!! He is forever going in and pulling things out and alot of the times he even puts them back in.


And finally later tonight he came out of his cage and went on the top to play!!! That's what we have been wanting him to do. Come out on his own and have fun. He has been up on top for a couple hours now just having a ball with his toys up there.


So I think things are going really well. He seems very happy. And very very active:laugh: :woohoo: :silly: :side:

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Thats so good looks to me like he may pick your husband as his favorite person which is great. The step ups are great practice soon it will be an atomatic response you You are so good with your birds you should be very proud of yourself its like it come natural for you to do what you do and thats great because the birds sense that as well and the why they respond so well to you. I think Cooper will be allowing pets and stepping up in no time. Now if I could just get my little project out of his cage for more than 5 minutes mabie I could make a little more headway with him. He has been locked up for way too long. I was told in the beginning he was only locked up for 1 1/2 years and just recently I found out it was more like 3 years. So I think I'm going to have to push a little. I really need to clip his wings but at the moment I don't have anyone around to help me do it. I can't hold him and clip his wings at the same time. I guess I'll just have too pack him up and take him either to the petshop or the vet but I think thats the only way I'm going to be able to work with him. he's very sweet and loves me to be there talking and touching his beak and feet he love to play peek a boo with a towel and tug a war. he's a really wonderful little guy he's got a great vocabulary. there is nothing that isn't wonderful about him except he so cage bound. How is he ever going to relize how much fun he can have if he not locked up.

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Wow, Erika, sounds like Cooper's making himself right at home! He actually sounds like a really well-balanced and confident bird, despite the conditions he came from. Y'all sound like you are making really quick progress with him, and that's great that he seems to be choosing your husband as his #1, since it was your husband who first wanted an amazon. Pat's right - you seem to have a real gift with birds: they sense your good will. Bravo!;)

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I think he is going to come along nicely, too. He is more comfortable with my husband. I hope he will like us both. My family used to have race horses and I worked on ranches for years and I had to work with some of the craziest high strung horses that rear up and bite and kick, etc. The key was always "Show No Fear" (or you will get hurt:ohmy: )and believe it is a must in birds as well. I am using the Show No Fear attitued with me on my flock members and think it is so important. I think they can sense fear immediately and will use it to their benefit any chance they get:laugh:


When I posted last night Conner was still playing at the top of his playgym. I hung a new toy up there with acrylic balls and keys on it. That turned into his instant enemy:laugh: and he beat that thing up for a good 45 minutes. At one point he grabbed it with one foot and then the other and he was hanging upside down from it and the toy wasn't that big:laugh:


He finally wore himself out and was trying to fall asleep on the top so I went over to the cage and put my fingers out and told him to step up. Of course he wouldn't do it willingly so I put one arm behind him to keep him from running across the cage and kind of trap him to corner of the cage, put my other hand in front and told him to step up. He paced back and forth for a little while but eventually went on my hand cuz there was no where else to go. No bites, no bad noises:) Then when he was on my hand I told him to step up about 4 or 5 more times, which he did and I told him what a good boy he was and put him in his cage and gave him some apples chunks. He loved apples so that was a good choice for a treat. Once he gets to where he steps fairly good maybe then we can start to pet him more. It took Baxter awhile before I could touch him anywhere other than the head but now I can pet him all over. I forgot how long it took though.:blink:

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Yes, he is stepping up for my husband too:) . I (of course) had to take all the initial risks in the beginning because my husband doesn't want to get bit:angry: :laugh: But once he seen that Cooper isn't really a biter he gained his confidence and wanted him. Now that he is going on top of his cage he will step up better. It was getting him from the inside of the cage that he wanted no part of. He is going to be good. As I was writing this post, Cooper was sitting on the cage door and my husband told him to step up and he did:) . I even think Cooper is proud of himself for stepping up:laugh: He acts like he is. Now if he would just let us start petting him.:unsure: He is very comfortable perching on our hands but "do not touch the feathers":lol:


I'm just thrilled he is stepping up like he is. He is doing amazing!

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Thanks Lyric, sorry you didn't get to vote. We didn't have the name thing going very long and I know a lot of people didn't get a chance.:( We just got impatient and we really liked the name Cooper. We are happy thats what got chosen.:)


Me??? The bird whisperer. :laugh: I must admit I think I am quite good at it and it is even shocking to myself. I just love birds I guess. Last year at this time I would have never expected what was in store for me. ;) I was one of those people who just didn't get why people had parrots as pets. :side: :huh:

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I'm so glad that Cooper has turned out to be the bird your husband wanted after all. even a baby bird has to be able to trust before they will allow pets and thing mind you it doesn't take quite as long but I think that Coopers young enough that it won't take very long before he's begging for scritches. I'm so happy that you took a chance on him and brought him into your flock they are such wonderful birds a little bit on the noisy side but other than that you can't find a better companion once they trust you they are very devoted to the owners and will give you years of love and laughter. I'm very lucky I have all 3 of my favorite birds. A Grey, an Amazon, and a Macaw. I feel trully blessed.

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