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We sent my grey to the vet last week b/c she wouldn't stop throwing up, the vomit was everywhere. after keeping her at the vets from Monday to Friday we got her back but basically so she could be with us when she died. She is still alive and still her perky self ... for now. Our vet said that there is a very slight possibility that there is a GI Motilly (sp?) problem and that it could be corrected through anoplaste (agian not sure about the sp)and the place that would take care of it is 3 & 1/2 hours away. Basically the vet said that he believes its a genetic problem and our bird probably wont make it and if she hadn't come home with us she wouldn't have been alive today. I thought she would out live me but now its looking thats not gonna happen. i remember the first time i meet her she climbed over everyone just to get to me little pin feathers and all. i hope everything will turn out ok but its not looking like that. :"(

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I'm so sorry to hear this Val, it seems that she has been sick for a while since she had lost some weight too. Sometimes things happen and if it is genetic then there is no way you could have prevented it. It just wasn't meant to be, that seems cruel but life can be sometimes and we just have to accept it and go on.


If she is still perky it may seem that things are fine but looks can be deceiving and I wish you had better news for us but glad you shared the news with us for we can be of some support to you if you will let us.


Are you considering doing the angioplasty? I know this would be an expensive procedure and probably are no guarantees that it will work but whatever decision you make please keep us informed for we care deeply.

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Val wrote:

Our vet said that there is a very slight possibility that there is a GI Motilly (sp?) problem and that it could be corrected through anoplaste (agian not sure about the sp)and the place that would take care of it is 3 & 1/2 hours away.(


This is sad news. Since your vet seems to not have truly determined what the underlying cause is, maybe it would be good to take 3 1/2 hour drive and have an expert avian vet see if saving your baby Grey is possible and actually determine the cause of this illness?

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