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more about stepping up


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Reading other threads, I too am curious about how others handle step-up. Gryphon has not given me major problems, but when it comes to putting him back in his cage (especially at bedtime) he will stall and want scritchies or just turn his back on me. I used treats originally, but now he knows what a grape means. :laugh:


I usually give him 10-15 minutes before I need him in the cage of try/pause/try again. I feel like he needs some control over how and when, unless we are talking emergency. Of course, I would love to be able to offer my hand, have him hop on, and put him right in the cage. What a luxury! Or even to say "goodnight" and have him put himself to bed. :lol:


Joking aside, what are your philosophies on giving greys a little extra leeway or illusion (ha) of control? Good? Bad? Asking for trouble? They seem very different from other parrots like 'toos who seem to need more rigid training or all you-know-what breaks loose.

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Hello Stephanie,


Well, we do accommodate our Grey a tiny bit in the since that we tell him it's time to go to bed. This calls for some head scratches, soft talking and the like by the both of us for maybe 20 seconds. Shut the TV off, turn most the lights off, have him step up and he goes to bed whether he is ready or not. I would estimate he would rather never go to bed and stay where he is perched nodding off on my wifes lap. :-)


I do understand you are not in that position yet as far as the step up goes and you certainly do not want to put him through the drama of a toweling. This is probably the best thing you can do for him at this point in his becoming familiar with his new home and flock. You can however be stern it a sense by not relenting in stating it is bed time and offering the treat he loves AFTER he gets in the cage. :-)


It sounds like you have the patience of Job and are doing a good job in getting him to go in his cage.

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Our male is given leeway when it comes to bedtime. We used to be lucky and he would fly into the cage at bedtime, but when we got our second grey he stopped that. Now when I tell him it's bedtime and I will be here in the morning to see him, he puts his head down for scratches and stretches the time out. I talk to him gently and don't rush him because I know he knows what is going on. Then after maybe 5 min he lazily steps up and lets me take him into the cage where his treats are waiting for him.


Our female who is one year doesn't get leeway really as she is still young and learning. We usually bribe her with treats to go in. She can be stubborn and sometimes I wait until she is settled on her spiral and then unhook it and open the cage door and she steps into the cage.

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Thanks Dan! He's been a pretty "easy" bird so far. The giving of treat AFTER he's settled in the cage is something I was totally missing. I gave him the treat for stepping up. I think that tip will be extremely useful!!! :)


Jane, your male sounds just like Gryphon. He's very much into bargaining like a small child. :lol:

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I also save their favourite treat for when they go back into the cage.

Their favourite treats are pine nuts.

The eldest grey Charlie will just go back into his cage when I ask him to, the other two will step up and be given their treat once they are in the cage.

I hope this will work for Gryphon, let us know how you get on.



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Wow Charlie is a good boy!:) Maybe we'll get there someday.


I think it is also a matter of finding an appropriate treat (not a dorito) that he just can't resist. He likes grapes, and sometimes they work, but his enthusiasm isn't really sufficient for bedtime bribery. ;) Gryphon doesn't recognize pine nuts as food. Or almonds, peanuts, nutriberries, cheerios, and so on.

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