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Grey good choice for me and my wife?


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Hello All,


This is my first post. My wife and I are contemplating adopting an African Grey. In the past, we have had kept a Lineolated Parakeet for many years that was free to roam inside our house. We would rarely close the door on his cage. This was an arrangement that pleased the three of us. We would probably do the same with the Grey.


My main concern is the bird would become bored since we both work during the daytime. There would be no issue of offering companionship at other times. Would it be a bad decision to get an African grey?



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No, it would be a good decision :) If.... you'd be showing love to it and dedication. The times you're outside of the home would have to be filled with something like tv staying on or radio. But, all in all, I think that you would be more than happy having a Grey at home and, if you dedicate enough attention to him, he with you :)

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I asked myself the very same question before i got Tui. :unsure:


Both my wife and I work full time and are out the house from 8 till 5 depending on shifts.


I bring Tui out in the morning for half an hour while i chop his fruit and veggies and again at lunchtime when i go home and give him fresh water.


I leave the radio on for him and hide nuts in his toys for him to find.


He is out nearly all night either playing with me and learning tricks or playing on his playstand which he is only starting to enjoy!


He is always really glad to see me and desperate to get out, which is nice :) although not so nice when i have to leave him! :dry:


As long as you give your grey plenty of 'out of the cage time' and attention when he's out at night with you i dont think you will have any issues at all.


You probably will be more upset to leave him than he will be! :lol:

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The others have given you some excellent advice and I too work outside the home on weekdays. I leave the radio on and she has her toys to play with while I am gone. I let her out when I get home and she is out until her bedtime and it works for me.


There are all kinds of foraging toys you can provide and we have some threads that have some you can make from things commonly found around the house so it does not have to cost you a fortune to provide them with foraging opportunities.


I have to commend you for asking before you just go out and get the grey, it shows your committment to one and your desire to provide what is in the bird's best interest.


Now that you have decided to get a grey, why don't you make an introduction post in the welcome room and tell us a little more about you.:)

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Hi Michel, it seems like you and your wife are very responsible people, who don't make irresponsible

decisions. For that I commend you both and because of your caring about making the right decision I believe you both will be great grey owners. As others have said, read through the many threads about greys in this forum and then see what you think. Good luck on your decision.

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Mika is alone all day, with either the tv or radio on. He is out of his cage first thing in the morning to enjoy about an hour and his breakfast then he will be alone approx 7-8 hours. He then spends his evenings where ever he wants till bedtime. We started this when he was 3 months old.

He is fine with this arrangement.


Carolyn & Mika

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You are concidering the needs of a grey before you get one. In my eyes this makes you responsible people. I work shifts full time and have a grey and cockatiel. Both do well providing I give them lots of time out of the cages and atention. Yes I feel guilt sometimes, and I admit I do turn down extra hours at work so I can be with them but they are fine and I ensure I leave them plenty of toys and treats ,and a radio on ,and I time a light to come on for them if I am on a Late shift. It can work. The main thing is care and attention and lots of love when you are home.

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I work four days a week and my husband works 5 or sometimes 6 days. When I switched from 5 to 4 days that's when I bought Tobie though I don't think the extra day made a difference. He has lots of toys and things in his cage and gets out only at night on work days. He comes to the den with me where we snuggle or watch tv and play. In a way its not bad that he has learned to entertain himself because he has to. He is still very loving and excited when I get home. We both look forward to my days off though.

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