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clicking beak on the cage


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Greys do a lot of clicking without holding anything. Sometimes they bite something, hold on and do the same thing. It's just a grey who's showing slight aggression with something he or she is familiar with. As they get more comfortable with their surroundings the past habits they had eventually come to the surface.At times they also do the same thing with bells. Most of the time, the item is made of hard material ie metal, plastic, chains.

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I think I just figured out why he does it. He's mimmicing me. When I call him and want him to come to a certain place in the cage I tap on the place I want him to come with my fingernail. I think when he gets where I want him he clicks back at. I'm not sure but it kinda makes since to me in my little bird brain.Lol

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Nökkvi did this when I first got him and I wasn´t sure why he did this. As time passed he stopped doing it as often. Now he only does it when our cats come too close to his cage, he also sometimes does this when he is really excited and wants to go out of the cage.

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