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Going to Look at TAG


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Hi Everyone,

I'm new here, but have been lurking for some time. Anyway, I'm going to look at a 7 year old, male TAG. I was wondering, before I go, what are recommendations from you guys for good questions to ask. The girl selling him apparently bought him for a breeder bird but never found a female. She says he is pet quality, I'll have to see about that. I know what to look for as far as a healthy bird, but have never purchased a rehome before. Any suggestions on what to look for as far as behavior and good questions would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for your advice, and maybe I'll be a new grey owner soon.


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Hi Christina, I don't know about questions, I'd pay alot of attention to details, such as home conditions, cage conditions, are they children and pets in home? Where has the birds cage been located? When was the bird at the vets last? Why is she getting rid of him? Watch how she handles him also. Is this the 1st owner of the bird? Good luck and let us know how it goes!

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Christina hi there and welcome, hopefully you'll enjoy this forum :) I subscribe to all of Marir's suggestions plus I'd look how the bird reacts to his owner.

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Guest Monique

These are some things I would ask

- What is the birds diet?

- Why does she consider him only "pet" quality?

- Has he ever bitten (answer is probably yet that is okay) but under what circumstances does he bite?

- Where did she get him from? What was that circumstance?

- Does he talk? Does he say any cuss words?

- Has he ever been ill?

- Has he ever been injured?

- Has he ever plucked himself?

- What is his daily routine like?

- Would she let you take him a trial basis for a week or two with a full refund if it doesn't work out?

- Why didn't she find a female? Female Greys are not exactly rare.


Watch how the bird interacts with her. Have her take him out of the cage in front of you and watch her hold the bird. Have the bird step up onto your hand and see how he does.


Most of all what I have learned in life is that you really need to trust your instinct. Any time I have not trusted my instinct I have turned out unhappy about my decision.


Please tell us how it goes after your visit - it would be wonderful if you could provide a home for this Grey!!!

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I'd go along with what the others have said, but I've had another thought - it sounds like you're quite familiar with birds - Do you have much experience? If so, you might be willing to put up with a bit more bad behaviour to start with, knowing that you'll have the confidence to sort it out, and give the parrot a better life than it currently has. If you're new to parrot parenthood, then its best to get a very tame, well behaved parrot that's being given up for genuine reasons.


Hope it all goes well,



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I go tonight to meet Bart and I have a list of questions and observations to make thanks to your input. I do have a blue and gold macaw...but as you guys probably know, they are very easy going and we purchased him right out of the nest, so we know every single nuance to his character. From the research I have done on Greys they are much more sensative, so I think if there are problems to work out, we could, but its going to depend on if Bart and I make a connection. If my instincts say he is the right one, then I'll go for it. I'll let you guys know tomorrow how it went. Thanks again for your suggestions and reccommentdations, they helped allot!

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